Those who believe the tale of representative democracy and the “free world” will have had time to reconsider after the latest events in Peru and Brazil. These have shown in all their splendor the falsity of such concepts. Finally, force continues to be imposed as an instrument of the powerful to enforce the criteria that allow them to dominate the ...

By Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yuva * Recall the Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiative (BMENA): In the early 1990s, Soviet Russia and the states subordinate to it collapsed. The US strongly penetrated the new states that broke away from the Soviet Union. Washington used the Fethullah Gulen Gladio, NGOs, Saudi funds and educational institutions in Türkiye very effectively to ...

During the past year, the Venezuelan government developed strong international activity with the aim of continuing to break the overwhelming blockade designed by Washington. The United States had developed this blockade as part of its isolation strategy within the framework of its policy of overthrowing the government of President Nicolás Maduro. Breaking the intended exclusion that was applied to Venezuela ...

United World International welcomes a new expert: Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein, whose articles UWI has been published irregularly, will contribute from now on regularly and weekly. Rodríguez Gelfenstein is a Venezuelan expert and advisor of international politics. He graduated from the Central University of Venezuela’s international relations department and received his doctoral degree in the Universidad de Los Andes (ULA). Rodríguez ...

On January 4, Mexican authorities arrested Ovidio Guzman Lopez, son of notorious drug cartel leader “El Chapo”. Lopez’ cartel reacted violently, blocking highways, torching vehicles, shooting at civilian airplanes. In the following clashed, 29 people lost their lives according to Mexico’s Minister of Defense. On January 8, U.S. President Joseph Biden arrived in Mexico to attend the trilateral North American ...

The Turkish government has articulated two policies at once recently: efforts to pursue another ground operation in the north of Syria and the proposal to start a political dialogue with the Syrian government. Under what conditions can reconciliation between Türkiye and Syria take place? What is the Syrian perspective on the regional autonomous entity in its north and how does ...

For decades, there has been talk in Türkiye about US support for PKK. Since 2015, this support has become quite clear especially due to the developments in the north of Syria. Although the US already recognizes the PKK as a terrorist organization, it does not feel any need to hide this support. Rather, the US policy is to argue that ...

United World International author Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Russian RIA Novosti news agency about the air operation of the Turkish Armed Forces in northern Syria and Iraq. We present the interview, published in Russian, to our readers translated into English. The air operation of the Turkish Armed Forces in northern Syria and Iraq was directed not only ...

By Guillermo Martín Caviasca * The struggle for world order that has been developing on the planet for some time now is unfolding in multiple fields: a central one is the economy, but also culture, political forms of organization of states, international institutions etc. are spheres of conflict. But in times of extreme contradictions manifested in the form of war, ...

By Doğu Perinçek * Recently I was talking to my dear friend Rafet Ballı. He quoted a saying about all kinds of polytheists since the 7th century in Islamic history: “The blasphemy is a single nation.” Look at the US or Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa and Australia: the Fake Left is international, in other words, it is a single ...