Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has been sworn in for a second five-year term on October 4.  Abiy’s Prosperity Party was declared the winner of parliamentary elections earlier this year in a vote criticized and at times boycotted by opposition parties and Western countries but described by some outside electoral observers as better run than those in the past, reported ...

As nuclear weapons stockpiles worldwide rise and countries upgrade their warheads and missiles there is an unprecedented need to de-escalate tensions and prevent nuclear Armageddon. Upon reading such a statement, one might regard it as self-evident. But the important thing is that it wasn’t you or me, but the Deputy Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, General John E. Hyten, ...

By Awad Abdulsebur Ahmad / Addis Abeba Despite the unilateral humanitarian ceasefire declared by the government of Ethiopia in an effort to assist the smooth flow of humanitarian aid to the people in Tigray region, the conflict has continued, resulting in a devastating humanitarian crisis. The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), a militant group that is waging war with the ...

Africa is witnessing several coup d’etats, the rising threat of terror and the decline of US and French imperialism on the one side, rising economic and political activities of new powers such as China, Russia and Turkey on the other. We interviewed Chris Matlhako, 2nd Deputy Secretary General of the South African Communist Party, governing the country in the Tripartite ...

By Orçun Göktürk / Editor of international news, Aydinlik Newspaper In July 2014, the Former American President Barack Obama held the first “US-African Summit” in the entire US history. At the summit, where 50 countries participated, Obama declared his intentions stating “The African nations must make sure that their mineral resources do not end up in Shanghai port”. One year ...

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York, after which the US launched its war on terror. In 1975, when I was an exchange student in the US, I was taken to visit the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. At that time, it was the ...

Nicaragua’s decision to support Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in the presidency of CELAC revealed bilateral tensions between Managua and Buenos Aires. What are the real motives? What other countries are involved in this impasse? What about the left in Latin America? On the surface On July 30, 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua reported, ...

Mexico’s Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard evaluated the so-called Merida Initiative, which regulates the strategic cooperation between his country and the US, as “dead” in an interview given to the Washington Post on July 29. The statement is the latest link in a number of Mexican steps to curb US influence inside the country as well as Latin America. “The Merida ...

United World International has already reported about the Crimea Platform, which will convene on August 23, 2021 in Kyiv, its organizers’ links to the US and the Fethullah Gülen Terror Organization (FETO) and why Turkey’s expected participation on the summit constitutes a trap for Ankara. Today we will focus on Pete Buttigieg, who will represent the United States at the ...

The ‘Crimea Platform’ is going to convene in Kyiv on August 23, 2021. The Ukrainian government intends to place the issue on top of the global public opinion agenda by inviting representatives of European countries and the US to the convention. The convention’s aim is to set those international mechanisms in motion, which will put pressure on Russia. The Platform ...