The Ukrainian War, Pelosi’s Taiwan visit and the Greek provocations in the Aegean… The United States of America (USA) is putting in even more efforts to prevent the multipolar world to take its shape. When we evaluate Washington’s actions in different regions, we can come up with these two main propositions; 1. The USA is in an effort to destabilise ...

It is predicted at the moment that the Russia-Ukraine hostilities will not end anytime soon. An agreement could have already been reached, especially after the talks in Istanbul, but there are those who are working to prolong the war as long as possible. We are talking in particular about the United States, the United Kingdom and the NATO circles headed ...

As nuclear weapons stockpiles worldwide rise and countries upgrade their warheads and missiles there is an unprecedented need to de-escalate tensions and prevent nuclear Armageddon. Upon reading such a statement, one might regard it as self-evident. But the important thing is that it wasn’t you or me, but the Deputy Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, General John E. Hyten, ...

The United States, the United Kingdom and Australia have announced the creation of “an enhanced trilateral security partnership” called AUKUS on September 15. AUKUS aims to “meet the challenges of the twenty-first century”, the joint statement of three countries said. “As a first initiative”, the three sides will cooperate to develop a nuclear-powered submarines for Australia, the statement declared, adding ...

By Wang Wenwen While the US indulges in its fantasy of tackling and checkmating China, China has devoted whole-heartedly to its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) aiming to link a large part of the world and improve economic development of countries along the route. The US cannot afford to sit still, especially when it feels that it has fallen behind ...

By Orçun Göktürk “The U.S. is back“ was Biden’s first statement after being elected. And then Biden went on to say: “The main challenge in the 21st century will be between the United States and China.” These statements of Biden showed that he would continue Trump’s policies. Consequently, the US administration made its first foreign trips to Japan and South ...

The Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has concluded his travel through the Middle East. He has visited Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Oman, that is 6 countries, in 5 days between the 24th and 29th of March, 2021. During his visit to Saudi Arabia, the Foreign Minister proposed a 5-point plan to establish peace and ...

The Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is continuing his trip through the Middle East. The visit started on March 24 in Saudi Arabia and continued on March 25 in Turkey, where Wang met with President Erdoğan and Foreign Minister Çavuşoğlu. On March 26, Foreign Minister Wang travelled to Iran for a 2-day stop. After Iran, Wang will visit United Arab ...

By Mehmet Emre Öztürk The informal QUAD-Group (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue), comprised of the US, India, Australia and Japan, has held a virtual meeting on presidential level on March 12 in its quest for an Indo-Pacific alliance. The process, described by the US as “historic”, aims to institutionalize the QUAD and create an alliance against China in the Indo-Pacific. The US ...

By Liu Xin,  Correspondent of Beijing-based Global Times, exclusive for United World International Recently, the international community has witnessed a new round of hype in some Western countries on the topic of the Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. This time, the US and its Western allies are trying to label China’s actions as “genocide” – a severe accusation against ...