“Why is the newest Bond movie ‘No Time to Die’ considered the least realistic in the series’ history? Because it shows a Brit in a fully fueled car.” This is just one of a multitude of jokes typical of those facing the current crisis. The problem is absolutely real in this case, and cannot be explained only by the hysteria ...

On June 23rd, the Black Sea was the stage of one of the tensest encounters since the end of Cold War. The British destroyer HMS Defender crossed into Russian territorial waters around the peninsula of Crimea, Russia responded by a Russian patrol ship and fighter jet firing warning shots at the vessel to change its course. The British Defence Ministry ...

On March 16th, the British Government has published a report titled “Global Britain in a competitive age: The Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy”. The report begins with a forward by the Prime Minister Boris Johnson and was presented to the British Parliament. The government has started work on the report, shortened as “Integrated Review”, early 2020 ...

The UK-Africa 2020 Summit was held in the UK on January 20. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Prince Harry visited the UK on Monday to prepare for global changes resulting from Brexit. PM @BorisJohnson met leaders from across Africa to discuss new and lasting partnerships that will deliver investment, jobs and growth. #InvestInAfrica pic.twitter.com/CvVxrlH0mY — UK Prime Minister (@10DowningStreet) ...

In a previous article we discussed some of the most critical geopolitical consequences of the outcome of the 12 December British election. In this paper we will discuss the main factors which may impede the Labour Party from getting a majority and what historic experience indicates as the main keys for claiming hegemony. We will also examine the Brexit and EU question, under ...

The British elections scheduled to take place on December 12th constitute a milestone for the evolution of the European and global situation. They are the most important elections in Europe after those in Greece in 2015, which brought a radical, anti-systemic force to the EU and NATO– or, at least, a force pretending to be such, and voted in because ...

         Theresa May’s chance at being the Prime Minister who delivers Brexit to the British people has expired. No amount of renegotiating with the European Union or pleading with the MPs of Westminster did much good in saving her career.             Now the Tory Party’s former frontrunner, Boris Johnson, has come to replace May. His Donald Trump-style ...

The conflict between the UK and Iran around the oil tanker Grace 1 runs the risk of growing over into a war of tankers. CNN said on July 11 quoting a source at the U.S. Department of Defense that five Iranian naval vessels had approached the British Heritage tanker during the latter ship’s transition from the Persian Gulf to the ...

Ten politicians are officially registered as candidates for the post of leader of the ruling British Conservative Party and the country’s prime minister. The details were announced on Monday after applicants were officially registered by Cheryl Gillan, a representative of the Tory Party.   THE CANDIDATES Boris Johnson, 54 The former mayor of London and current Foreign Secretary. Well known ...

The General Assembly of the United Nations urged the United Kingdom to leave the Chagos archipelago, ruling  in favor of the West African country Mauritius. The United Kingdom had already face off with Mauritiu at the UN for control of the Chagos archipelago in February before the International Court of Justice gave a favorable response arguing for the decolonization of ...