Although the West defines Turkey’s reconnection to the open seas ‘Neo-Ottomanism’, Turkey’s Blue Homeland Doctrine is a 21st century geopolitical reality originally outlined by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk as a survival necessity for the democratic, secular republic whose borders are drawn in accordance with the universal law of the sea and reinforced by state practices. “The seas are an inexhaustible supply ...

Cheng Enfu, an adviser to Chinese President Xi Jinping on economic issues, stated that Turkey’s participation in the Belt and Road Initiative would contribute to finding a peaceful solution to the problems in Eastern Mediterranean. In an article co-authored with Li Jing and published in Belt and Road Initiative Quarterly (BRIQ) Autumn 2020 issue, Prof. Cheng Enfu emphasizes that “the ...

The Turkish Defense Ministry announced that the United Nations (UN) has registered a memorandum between Turkey and Libya on the demarcation of maritime borders. “The agreement determining maritime jurisdiction areas between Turkey and Libya was registered by the UN. Our multi-faceted relationship with Libya based on a common history of 500 years and our training, assistance and consultancy support to ...

The term “Flammable Ice” will soon be a part of our daily lexicon. The phenomena’s scientific name is “clathrate hydrates” (gas hydrates), describing ice-like, crystalline formations created under high pressure and low temperature hydrocarbon gas molecules on the sea bottom. Under standard pressure and temperature conditions, 1 cubic meter of gas hydrate contains up to 164 cubic meters of natural ...

“The European Council will soon be showing Turkey the stick.” These are the words of the German Ambassador to Athens Ernst Reichel, and not a football hooligan as you might have at first expected. It is truly pitiful what Atlanticist Germany has come to. US Senator Menendez said: “Let’s be crystal clear—the only country ‘disputing’ these waters is Turkey. These ...

The Turkish public agenda was again very busy over the last week. While the unlawful attacks from Armenia to Azerbaijan has drawn the reactions from the Turkish public, harsh statement came from Ankara about the issue. On the other side, new events took place between Turkey and Egypt for the Eastern Mediterranean dispute. The Israeli report on Turkey has resonated ...

It would be important to cover the report titled “Turkey as a Major Challenge for Israel (and its neighbors) in the 21st century” published on 16th September by the think-tank called Jerusalem Institute for Strategy&Security (JISS), while there are some that advocates for a normalization with Tel Aviv administration in Turkey, with the principle of “There are no permanent alliances ...

The “normalization” agreements signed between Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain at an official ceremony hosted by US President Donald Trump at the White House continue to be discussed. While the normalization agreements were signed, the 3 countries also jointly signed the text called “Abraham Accords”. Reactions from the countries of the region, especially from the Palestinian administration, ...

I learned of the Map of Seville from Professor Dr. Sertaç Hami Başeren, a faculty member at AU Political Sciences University and Advisor to the General Staff Maritime Law, in 2003. At that time, the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (GCASC) had not yet declared an EEZ around the island. I was serving as the Head of the Strategy ...

Turkish public agenda was shaken with the statements from the French President Macron last Thursday, targeting Turkish President Erdogan. The statements brought heavy reactions from the ruling AKP in Ankara. Alongside Turkish-French diplomatic clashes, the ever-growing numbers of daily cases and deaths resulting from the coronavirus scared both the experts and the ordinary people. While the development of a vaccine ...