Turkey has entered the new year with some hot topics. The bilateral meetings between the Turkish and Chinese officials in Chinese Capital Beijing, was among these hot topics for Ankara. On the other hand, tensions between Greece and Turkey in the Aegean also increased this week. Another hot topic discussed in Ankara were the recent incidents in Kazakhstan. The critical ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. The first topic was the telephone call between the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Chinese President Xi Jinping, late at night last Tuesday. The second was the 2-day visit of the Turkish President Erdogan to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the announcements ...

The Communist Party of China (CPC) has invited to a “World Symposium for Marxist Political Parties” on May 27th, 2021. 58 different political parties from 48 countries, ranging from Chile to Egypt, Turkey to Nepal participated in the symposium, attended by 70 representatives. The closing speech of the Symposium was held by Dr. Doğu Perinçek, Chairman of the Turkish Vatan ...

China and Turkey are the only two G20 countries that have achieved positive growth in 2020. The two countries share an endogenous driving force to fight the epidemic and enhance the growth of their economies. Prioritizing the public interest is the driving force in both countries. Similar to China, Turkish health services are mainly based on public infrastructure and populist ...

The Uyghur issue is mostly shaped by the perception of China in Turkey and vice versa. This issue was brought forward by the Chinese Embassy’s objection to the statement of the Chairman of the Good Party (İyi Party) Meral Akşener and Mayor of Ankara Mansur Yavaş. 1 – What happened? The discussion started with the social media accounts of İyi ...

Meeting between Chinese and Turkish top diplomats; Government party congress; Turkish condolences over the train accident in Egypt; Turkish-Uzbek joint military drill; Vaccination Efforts and the normalization process amidst the pandemic Last week, the Turkish public agenda was busy with five main topics. The first of these topics was the diplomatic visit of the Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic ...

Last week, the Turkish public agenda was busy with four main topics. The first topic was the debates over a change in the Turkish constitution, which has been demanded by various political groups. The second was Defense Minister Hulusi Akar’s visit to Germany and his discussions with his German counterpart about the Eastern Mediterranean. The third agenda item was the ...

For days, there has been a discussion about whether an export train headed towards China will actually arrive at its destination. There is a motivation for all this chatter. The empty noise was further evidence of the fact that ‘the choir of opposition’, also called ‘the Biden crew’ by Mr. Doğu Perinçek, is building opposition to Turkey. Turkey’s increasing exports to ...