After Donald Trump took office, Obama and Rouhani’s previous diplomatic efforts and rapprochement were apparently ignored, and the two countries cut off their relations, seemingly reluctant to improve the situation… but perhaps there is more to the situation than meets the eye. Frequent tweets between American and Iranian officials, especially Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo and Mohammad Javad Zarif, covert negotiations ...

From the beginning of his presidential campaign in 2016, Donald Trump created an important shift in political rhetoric regarding immigration. The shift coincided with a protectionist turn on economic matters including reviewing trade agreements with China, Mexico, Canada, and Europe, which he said were harmful to the American people, even if they were beneficial for elite groups and corporations (Time, ...

US President Donald J. Trump’s late October announcement that Washington intends to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) with Russia, coupled with his personal distaste for arms control treaties and multilateral agreements, his interest in massive arms sales (especially to the autocratic Middle Eastern monarchies) and his perceived efforts to undermine NATO and the European Union (EU), have ...

Midterm elections took place Tuesday in the United States. While the Democrats managed to take the majority in the House, the Republicans maintained their control over the Senate. Donald Trump turned out to be correct when he predicted that his name would appear in all the headlines during the midterms elections; even if the election directly concerned members of the ...

1)Democrats won the House, while Republicans managed to hold on to power in the Senate. After almost 10 years in the shade, the democrats now have their hands on the real levers of political power. What follows will be a difficult test for the Trump presidency. 2) The main candidate for the post of Speaker of the House is 78-year-old ...

Amid scandal and strife, a divided America heads into midterm elections. As Democrats seek to regain control over the House, Republicans have the potential to control the house, senate, presidency and supreme court following the elections. All seats of the House are up for grabs, along with 35 senate seats and 36 governor positions. The election has the potential to ...

Chaos from every circle of hell seems to be breaking lose in the United States as of late. More than 15 bombs marked with ISIS memes were mailed to high profile liberals like George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and even the CNN Headquarters. The Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania recently became the location of America’s latest mass ...

In a heated speech delivered in Krakow on October 6th, the ex-Polish PM turned European Council President, Donald Tusk, let loose an extremely telling admission: “Never before in my life has America been a problem for Europe. What has happened under the administration of my namesake, Donald Trump, is a new phenomenon – America is sailing away from Europe today and ...

Ahead of Hassan Rouhani’s visit to New York, Donald Trump tweeted about the Iranian president saying: “I am sure he is an absolutely lovely man!” It is a tradition for US presidents to welcome leaders who visit New York while participating in the UN General Assembly, but as everyone knows, Trump does not always like to abide by the traditions… ...

In 2011, a civil war in Syria began which would continue for the next 7 years. The country became a geopolitical conflict zone for the confrontation of various states around the world. The number of countries involved in the actual conflict is difficult to account for. It all started from conflicts between forces supportive of Syrian president Bashar Al Assad ...