By Orçun Göktürk In the US, the contradictions within the ruling classes are growing into a conflict. The Texas National Guard blocked the US border patrol on 23 January despite a court order and continued to install barbed wire, while the governors of 25 Republican states issued a joint statement declaring their support for Texas. The issue illustrates the growing ...

By Doğu Perinçek * The developments in the US are not a mere power struggle. The US is at a historical crossroads. We have long insisted that “the electoral process in the US will end at the police station” and that a popular movement is on the horizon. We could foresee this because we are analyzing historical processes. We look ...

By Said Ali Batrouni * Former president Donald J. Trump has protested the unfair treatment he faced (as the most persecuted person in the history of our country). The 45th president also has invoked his Fifth Amendment rights and refused to answer questions 440 times, not to incriminate himself, during a deposition before New York attorney General Letitia James. Trump ...

Abstract of a report by UWI expert Dimitris Konstantakopoulos to an international conference on NAM, organized by the Paris I Sorbonne and Havres Universities, on 20-22.2.2021 War, expansion and imperialism have been some of the main paths used by the western capitalist system, in order to overcome its crises and impasses, as proved by colonialism and WWI and II. For ...

The Trump Administration has declassified a basic document on its policy towards China during its last days on government, on January 5th, 2021. The National Security Council, headed by H.R. McMaster, wrote this document, titled The United States Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific (USSFIP), on February 15th, 2018 as a Memorandum to the US government. The document can be read ...

The year 2020 was a year of important tests for global politics and the world economy. The coronavirus pandemic has raised questions about how prepared the modern world-system and nation-states are for such global challenges. On the one hand, global institutions (and the UN in particular) call for unity of all states in the fight against a common threat. On ...

There are not many people in the world who doubt that Israeli secret services are responsible for the assassination of the prominent Iranian physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the “father” of the Iranian nuclear program. Without openly admitting it, the Israelis did nothing to amuse such impressions, instead they “anonymously” admitted their responsibility to the New York Times. The assassination of the ...

On the eve of the civil war: the murder of George Floyd and its consequences Protests after the death of US citizen George Floyd in Minneapolis on Friday escalated into riots in several major US cities. Clashes with police, detentions and vandalism have occurred in New York City, Atlanta (Georgia), Albuquerque (New Mexico), Fountain, San Jose (California) and Houston (Texas). ...

NATO’s support for the GNA On May 16, the Prime-Minister of the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) Fayez Al-Sarraj held a telephone conversation with the general secretary of NATO Jens Stoltenberg. Nato’s support for the GNA brings a new actor to the Libyan conflict. It’s worth noting that this is a rare expression of support for the government in ...

The New York Times reports that, against the backdrop of the novel coronavirus pandemic in Iran, a number of officials in the Trump administration are insisting on the need to take advantage of the country’s weakening and strike. In the meantime, a systematic policy of pressure on the Iranian authorities to reduce the role of Hashd Shaabi units, as well ...