US President Donald Trump has maintained strong economic pressure against Venezuela, having signed numerous decrees blocking the assets of the Venezuelan authorities within US jurisdiction. Giants such as the Central Bank of Venezuela and the state-owned oil company PDVSA were also included in the sanctions list. Now, Washington has announced it will even impose sanctions against foreign citizens supporting or ...

Guatemala is currently holding the second round of its presidential elections. With about 98% of polling places reporting, it seems that Giammattei had about 58% of votes, compared to about 42% for Sandra Torres. The first round took place on June 16 (parliamentary and presidential). The winner will be tasked with managing the most populous country in Central America and ...

US President Donald Trump threatened to release the Daesh militants if the European Union refused to take them.  “We have thousands of ISIS fighters that we want Europe to take and let’s see if they take them. And if they don’t take them, we’ll probably have to release them to Europe,” Mr. Trump said on the White House lawn on ...

In 2020, the US will hold presidential elections. Voters will decide if Donald Trump will be re-elected for a second term as president or whether one of his democratic contenders will get an opportunity to occupy the White House. Trump has several strengths and weaknesses which will likely factor in to his chances in the elections. Trump’s Strong Suits 1) ...

The Wall The US Supreme Court allowed Donald Trump to use $ 2.5 billion from the Pentagon’s budget to build several sections of the wall on the border with Mexico. Five judges voted in favor of the decision, and four against. This vote canceled the ruling of the lower courts, which had blocked Trump’s actions. The American president called the ...

The multi-month crisis between the US and Turkey on the purchase of Russian S-400 missile defense systems recently took an unexpected turn. According to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President Donald Trump said that Washington would not impose sanctions over the deal during the summit in Japan. The statements were greeted with amazement all over the world and, above all, ...

Former Vice President Joe Biden was in the spotlight on Thursday during the second debate between Democrats hoping to go up against Trump for the presidency next year… but Biden wasn’t the only one to gain some attention. Biden intends to show voters that he can be a chance for Democrats to win over Donald Trump in the 2020 election. ...

The Democratic Party’s first debate among potential presidential candidates took place this week. On November 3, 2020, the presidential elections will be held in the United States, but the race has already begun – President Donald Trump already launched his re-election campaign and the main guidelines of foreign and domestic policy. Details: a shift to the left Twenty candidates will ...

The President of the United States officially launched his new campaign for the 2020 presidential elections. His team has already raised funds for his re-election bid (according to USA Today, around $109 million). Thousands of volunteers are ready to act, and election headquarters are already open in New York and Washington. Together, we are breaking the most sacred rule in ...

Trump VS Mexico US President Donald Trump announced the introduction of 5% duties on all products from Mexico on Sunday, threatening to increase the number if the problem of illegal immigrantion continues. Mexican Deputy Foreign Minister Jesus Sead promised a “vigorous” response to the new duties on Thursday. On March 29, Trump threatened to close the border with Mexico altogether, ...