Sergey Markov, General Secretary of the Russian – Turkish Public Forum, Director of the Political Studies in Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University), a former member of the State Duma and a former Press Secretary for Putin, has told Turkish newspaper Aydınlık that the current situation may be an important opportunity for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). ...

Turkish Party of National Action (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli recently presented President Erdoğan a map as a gift. The map was displaying the Turkic speaking world, including territories in Russia and China as well as Central Asia. The map and its message was widely discussed in Turkish and international media. Even the Spokesman of the Russian Presidency, Dmitry Peskov contributed ...

Libya has been divided since 2014 between two rival administrations –  one in the west and one in the east, as it was plunged into a civil war after the NATO intervention and Muammar Ghaddafi’s overthrow. Although a United Nations-mediated unitary government has been formed, the political crisis in the country still continues, as the power struggles between the east ...

The Turkish expert on international relations, Prof. Dr. Hasan Ünal has discussed the Turkish-Russian relations in an article titled “Breaking the impasse: How a Turkish–Russian deal could light up the way”, published by the website The Cradle.Co recently. The article focuses on a topic which United World International also frequently deals with: The notion that Turkey and Russia take up ...