By Irene Léon * Guayana Esequibo refers to a territory and sea that England coveted since the 19th century. The United States later placed it at the axis of the Monroe Doctrine and is now deploying a joint attack with its corporations, seeking to legitimize a situation of ‘ accommodated events ‘ that has been intensified since 2015. An air ...

By Douglas Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela, translation and editing by Yunus Soner Relations between the United States and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela are getting in a state of flux. Anonymous US administration officials announced in an interview with the AP news agency the “easing of a few economic sanctions” against Venezuela. The easing will allow Chevron Corp. to negotiate its ...

By Ramazan Bursa Turkish journalist working on the Middle East in general and on Iran, in particular. Bursa represented Al-Quds Tv in Iran for many years. He also worked for TV 5. Yemen is getting poorer day by day due to the attacks carried out by the coalition led by Saudi Arabia in 2015. Even the United Nations’ data reveals ...