In Yerevan, protests have not subsided for several days demanding the resignation of Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan. Protests in the Armenian capital began on May 9. Since then, every day the police detains dozens of people dissatisfied with the policies of the Pashinyan regime. A new protest leader has emerged in Armenia, leading the people and demanding the ...

Unfortunately, Pashinyan remains a tool in the hands of the West. There was hope that after the liberating Second Karabakh War, after Armenia’s major defeat, the authorities of this country would make the right conclusions and draw the right lessons. Namely, they would renounce Western influence, engage in regional integration, link Armenia’s fate with its neighbors, with the common interests ...

On July 9, United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani news outlet on the recent developments in the Southern Caucasus. Perinçek commented on the recent elections in Armenia, Turkish-Russian cooperation and regional initiatives to reach lasting peace and stability. Below we document the interview as published by Peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Ankara-Moscow ...

On Sunday, the Armenian people elected a new parliament. Voter turnout was 49.4% and the Central Election Committee has announced the preliminary results yesterday. According to these, Nikol Pashinian’s governing Civil Contract party has obtained 53.92% of the votes, while the Armenian Alliance led by former President Robert Kocharian came second, receiving 21.1%. United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek commented ...