The Presidents of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin and the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping made a joint statement following their meeing in Beijing on February 4, 2022. The Russian-Chinese joint statement covers a wide area from security to development, from global governance to internet regulation. Below, we present the text as published by the Russian Presidency. Chapter numbers ...

The world’s eyes are on the crisis unfolding in Ukraine. The possibility of a war between the U.S. and Russia over Ukraine is discussed widely, while NATO members continue to mount up forces along the Ukrainian-Russian border. United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan interviewed the Russian Member of State Duma Evgeny Popov. Popov is the Chairman of the Commission ...

The tensions between the U.S. and Russia over the Ukraine are rising. Western approaches to enlarge the NATO alliance towards eastern Europe are continuing, strongly opposed by Russia. While the Presidents of both countries are holding talks on phone over the crisis, the influential Chinese newspaper Glovbal Times published an editorial. The article reflects the Chinese view on the Ukraine ...

It has been reported that the US intelligence warned its European allies that the likelihood of a Russian “invasion” of Ukraine “increases as the winter approaches”. Sources told the CBS News that an “invasion” was prepared for colder weather conditions, but it could still happen within weeks if the West does not show any interference. The largest obstacles are Turkey ...

The Turkish TV Channel Ulusal Kanal’s program ‘News Room’ discussed the recent developments in the Black Sea. Experts discussed the tensions between Russia and Ukraine, the US support for the latter and evaluated on the consequences on Turkey and the countries of the region. The experts expressed the opinion that Washington uses the Ukrainian issue as an operation of attrition ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey has been busy with three main topics. The first topic was the second sessions of the exploratory talks between the Turkish and the Egyptian Delegations, on 7 – 8 September. Second was the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Felix Tshisekedi’s official visit to the capital Ankara. Third was the recent interview ...

While the 20-year occupation of Afghanistan is coming to an end, Taliban, who took over power without any clashes is now in the process of establishing a government. The people of USA are expressing their ‘disappointment’ against what is going on Afghanistan though. The footages from the Kabul Airport when US troops were being withdrawn and the failure in evacuation ...

Relations between Turkey and the US are conflictive from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, from the Caucasus to Syria and Libya. The recently published documentary “A dying Empire”, which deals with the global decline of the US, has also touched on these issues, where Retired Rear Admiral Cihat Yaycı provided insightful information and opinions. United World International documents below ...

By Cansu Yiğit “Over many, many years, we’ve served together in Afghanistan. We’ve been able to contain, to a certain degree, terrorist dangers, but unfortunately we have not been able to build a nation as we would like it to look” said the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, admitting the defeat in Afghanistan during a meeting with the US President Joe ...

NATO and its allies have started the military exercise See Breeze 21 in the Black Sea on Monday, June 28th. The exercise, co-hosted by the US and Ukrainian navies, takes place amidst rising political and military tensions between western countries and Russia. NATO stated that 32 countries will take part in the exercise, providing 5,000 troops, 32 ships and 40 ...