By Cansu Yigit The peace and stability process in Libya led by the United Nations (UN) is going down “a slippery slope” towards the December 24th. The Libyans are the ones likely to pay for a UN failure in Libya, which has been known for the mess it left on its peacekeeping missions all around underdeveloped or unstable countries. Footsteps ...

On the southern side of the Mediterranean, Libya keeps on being in a political limbo. General elections are scheduled for December 24, but the Tobruk-based House of Representatives already postponed these for a month. The legislative base of the elections, including the question who will be permitted to candidate for the presidency, cause debate. Western countries headed by the US ...

Libya has been divided since 2014 between two rival administrations –  one in the west and one in the east, as it was plunged into a civil war after the NATO intervention and Muammar Ghaddafi’s overthrow. Although a United Nations-mediated unitary government has been formed, the political crisis in the country still continues, as the power struggles between the east ...

Elections without rules The political process in Libya is once again poised to fail. On Monday, the country’s parliament (House of Representatives – HoR), sitting in the eastern part of the country, passed a law that postponed parliamentary elections by a month. “The election for members of the House of Representatives will take place 30 days after the presidential vote,” ...

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Sochi, Russia, on September 29. The meeting of the leaders lasted almost three hours and was productive. This is the first face-to-face meeting between the leaders of Russia and Turkey in a long time, due to coronavirus restrictions. The extreme importance of these talks for both leaders is ...

It is often said that great friendships start after a fight. I do not think that there is a better expression that sums up the current diplomatic relations between Turkey and Russia. Turkey and Russia have travelled together a road from the possibility of an open conflict to the cooperation in various strategic areas such as defense industry and nuclear ...

By Mehmet Kıvanç Libya currently is facing three options: to continue being a war zone, to achieve a peace, or to become a gray area between war and peace. The presidential and parliamentary elections of December 24 constitute a crossroads for the country’s future. The geography, strong local political figures, foreign fighters, the presence of ISIS and Al Qaeda and ...

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York, after which the US launched its war on terror. In 1975, when I was an exchange student in the US, I was taken to visit the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. At that time, it was the ...

A delegation from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry will visit Ankara between September 7 and 8 to hold exploratory talks. United World International interviewed the former Deputy Foreign Minister of Egypt, Rakha Ahmed Hassan on the visit’s content. The relations between Ankara and Cairo have been at odds since the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood government in 2013. Since then, these ...

The international conference on Libya under auspices of the UN and convened by Germany, is gathering to its second meeting in Berlin on June 23rd. In difference to the first conference from January 2020, representatives from the Libyan Government of National Unity will also take part. International participants will be the same as the in the first conference, from the ...