By Fabrizio Verde Italy is a country cornered between two types of imperialism, the main one is American imperialism, which uses its military presence, occupying the country with several NATO bases. Not a leaf moves in Rome without Washington’s approval. The second one is the European Union’s imperialism: although it is subordinated to the US and NATO, it exerts a ...

On July 7, Italian Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini arrived in Ankara to discuss defensive cooperation and the situation in Libya with his Turkish counterpart Hulusi Akar. This visit will be the second of a high-level Italian representative to Ankara related to the situation in Libya. On June 19, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said that Turkey and Italy will cooperate ...

The Exclusive Economic Zone Agreement signed between Greece and Italy shows that Greece has waived its claims regarding the contested islands of the Eastern Mediterranean. The agreement essentially confirms that Turkey has sea borders with Libya, Israel and Palestine. The Greek Foreign Minister and his Italian counterpart met in Athens on July 9, and put their signatures on an agreement ...

Alarming events are taking place in the West, the region of the world which has become the epicenter of the Covid-19 pandemic. European countries and the United States are all blaming each other in their panic at having been caught unprepared for the pandemic, lacking the healthcare system and supplies to deal with the crisis. The EU had closed its ...

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has now spread to all European countries – on Tuesday Montenegro confirmed its first cases. The Montenegrin government announced that two women who were traveling abroad were infected with the virus. The latest data The World Health Organization has declared Europe the new epicenter of the outbreak which began in Wuhan China last December. As of March ...

The recent conference held in the German capital has proven that only Turkey and Russia are in a position to negotiate a peaceful settlement in Libya. Peace talks were held this Sunday as both sides of the conflict in Libya came together in Berlin. As a continuation of the talks on January 13 in Moscow, the two central opposing forces ...

Elections in Germany Angela Merkel’s the Christian Democratic Union came out victorious in the elections which took place in Brandenburg and Saxony. However, the party was followed closely by the far-right party “Alternative for Germany” (AfD). According to preliminary data, in Saxony, the right-wing formation received 27.5% of the vote, while the CDU received 32.1%. In Brandenburg, the Social Democrats ...

On Tuesday, Giuseppe Conte, the Chairman of the Italian Council of Ministers, announced his resignation. In a speech before the Senate, he declared his intention to ask President Mattarella for permission to leave his office early. Conte was all but forced into the decision by Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, who was about to initiate a no-confidence vote against the ...