By Mehmet Yuva “There are many truths in life, but death is the absolute reality. Death is closer than your jugular vein. The causes may differ, but death is singular. And every living being will taste death.” We extend our condolences to the people of Iran. The accidental or illness-related death, or assassination, of a head of state and accompanying ...

“Independence referendum” in north of Iraq, the US and Israel-backed corridor, US organizing the PKK/PYD, US build-up in the Eastern Mediterranean, two possible ways to stop the massacres in Gaza, the resistance of the Palestinians… Retired Rear Admiral Cihat Yaycı spoke at the workshop titled “Will a Great War Break Out?” organized by the Turkish monthly magazine “Teori”. In his ...

We are on the 20th anniversary of the invasion and brutal looting of Iraq. These 20 years have caused more impact and changes in the Middle East and the wider geography than perhaps any other period of comparable length. The powers were changed, the presidents who came to power by election or who ruled for many years with the support ...

The US invasion of Iraq is one of the most significant examples of Washington’s lawlessness and violations of international law. The US carried out this invasion entirely through lies and black propaganda. And the Western media’s current stance, the policy of presenting facts as lies and lies as facts, operated at full throttle during the invasion. 20 days before the ...

While the situation in Afghanistan has stabilised and progress is being made toward a settlement of the Syrian issue, Iraq is now experiencing a series of events that might bring the country to the verge of anarchy at any time. Protesters have taken over the nation’s parliament building for the umpteenth time, making it impossible for the national assembly to ...

On July 14, the US President and the Israeli Prime Minister signed the Strategic Partnership Joint Declaration in Jerusalem. In this statement, the US “further affirms the commitment to work together with other partners to confront Iran’s aggression and destabilizing activities”. Two days later, The US President stated in the speech held at the Gulf Cooperation Council: “We will not ...

Around 2000 refugees, arriving to Belarus on approved visas mostly from Iraq, are trying to reach Europe crossing the Polish border at the Bruzgi border checkpoint in the Grodno District of Belarus. This issue is currently on the main agenda of both the region and the world. The tensions began when both the Polish government and the European Commission blamed ...

It is often said that great friendships start after a fight. I do not think that there is a better expression that sums up the current diplomatic relations between Turkey and Russia. Turkey and Russia have travelled together a road from the possibility of an open conflict to the cooperation in various strategic areas such as defense industry and nuclear ...

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York, after which the US launched its war on terror. In 1975, when I was an exchange student in the US, I was taken to visit the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. At that time, it was the ...

Last week, the public agenda in Turkey was busy three main topics. First topic were the reactions from the governments of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to the UN Security Council’s statement regarding the reopening of the town of Maras (Varosha). Second topic was the debate over potential measures or actions in regulating the refugee waves coming ...