The Mediterranean has become a focal point in the international geopolitical and geo-economic scenario. The Mediterranean Sea is central for international trade. The foreign trade of some of the largest economies in the world (from China to the US, as well as Germany, Italy, and France) with the countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean has been growing steadily ...

The Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) started in Tunis on November 9. The main organizer is the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), led by the former US Charge d’Affaires in Libya Stephanie Williams. The task of the forum, according to the UN mission in Libya, is “to generate a unified governance framework and arrangements that will lead to holding ...

Initiative by Ahmed Maiteeq may change Libya forever On September 18, Libyan National Army (LNA) Commander Khalifa Haftar announced the resumption of oil production and exports in Libya. The general, whose army controls the eastern and southern parts of the country, explained his decision by concern for the welfare of citizens. Haftar stressed that a precondition for resuming Libyan oil ...