The Presidential elections in Mali The Presidential elections in Mali are scheduled to be held on the 29th of July 2018. They take place every 5 years. More than 8 million registered voters will vote: 23041 polling station are in operation. Among the 24 candidates, one candidate will win by achieving an absolute majority. The main contenders for victory are ...

«The best defense is a good offense» When the US regularly accuses other countries of interfering in other people’s elections, they are delicately silent about their own activities in various parts of the world. The practice of interfering in foreign elections began with the establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) after the Second World War. Instead of overt combat, ...

The internal political situation in Nicaragua remains restless. The protests, which began in April, have become increasingly violent and the protesters have declared the necesessity of new presidential elections. Ortega blamed ”outside forces” in supporting the mass demonstrations. The context of the demonstrations The mass demonstrations against the government were provoked by social reforms, which was expected to reduce pensions ...

Trump-Putin Meeting: the dialogue of realists Trump and Putin met on the 16th of July in Helsinki. The meeting was held amidst a complex political background: just several days after the NATO summit (where Trump criticized Germany for collaboration with Russia) and Trump’s visit to the UK, where he tried to establish a new Anglo-saxon economic axis, and criticized Theresa ...

US president Donald Trump recently proposed a plan to institute a complete ban of Iranian oil this coming November. It is possible he is simply incapable of understanding the realities of such a proposal…. would it even possible to impose a blockade of Iranian oil throughout the entire region? To give Trump the benefit of the doubt, he likely means ...

There is no doubt that Europe is undergoing rapid changes; the people of Europe are taking back power from the ruling globalist elite. Today we again see a phenomenon last observed during the collapse of the Communist regimes in Eastern Europe: prominent figures switching sides, politicians and businessmen turning coats. “We have to be careful not to embrace the very ...

US offer for Poland the political strategy that simply can be defined as : “We will try to strengthen our industry at the expense of German plants in Poland, and you in return will pay – A LOT! – for our gas, coal and weapons, and let Israel manhandle and humiliate you a bit“. Well, and supporters of such a ...

A perilous trade confrontation between the US and China began April 2018, when the US side announced a list of 1.3 thousand Chinese goods against which import duties might be introduced. The sanctions were ordered allegedly in response to Beijing violating the intellectual rights of American products. China in turn blamed Washington for unleashing the “largest trade war in the ...

Nord Stream – 2 A scandal erupted over “Nord Stream-2” with the US lobbing accusations against Germany. The finalized statement poignantly states that the NATO countries agree to ensure the safety of the alliance from “political manipulation in the energy sector.” “Stable and reliable energy supply, diversification of import routes, suppliers and energy resources, as well as interconnection of energy ...

The 2018 NATO Summit was held in Brussels (Belgium) on 11th and 12th of July 2018. Two articles of the Brussels Summit Declaration were directly concerned with Turkey. The 23rd article of the declaration refers to a threat from the south border to Turkey: “Assurance measures continue to provide the fundamental baseline requirement for assurance and deterrence.  In addition, tailored ...