Today, terrorism, radicalism and massacres are happening all over the world. New wars, conflicts and clashes are occurring. It seems that some circles have an interest in producing and continuing wars in the world. Using religious beliefs, human rights and other similar reasons, conflicts are created between countries and peoples. Looking back, we all recognize the powers and countries behind ...

The Ukrainian War, Pelosi’s Taiwan visit and the Greek provocations in the Aegean… The United States of America (USA) is putting in even more efforts to prevent the multipolar world to take its shape. When we evaluate Washington’s actions in different regions, we can come up with these two main propositions; 1. The USA is in an effort to destabilise ...

We woke up to a new world, on the morning when the Russian operation in Ukraine began. We say “we woke up to a new world”, because this conflict between Russia and Ukraine does not only affect these two countries, but has a worldwide impact. It is clear that the scale of this crisis extends much further beyond the borders ...

By Massimiliano Ay General Secretary of the Communist Party (Switzerland) Lenin was not only the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution, he was an innovator in his application of Marxism. He understood that Marx and Engels lived in a different era from his own, and that his country had entered a different historical phase: the era of imperialism. A whole series ...

On December 11, the Turkish TV channel Ulusal Kanal dedicated a tv program to the Ukrainian crisis and the position of Turkey, where the tensions around the Ukraine and Russia and their implications for the region were discussed. Participants of the programm were, Ret. Lieutenant-General Ismail Hakkı Pekin, former Head of Military Intelligence at the Turkish Armed Forces’ Chief of ...

United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan gave an interview to Russian news outlet on Turkish-Russian relations. Below we present the interview as published by, the original text can be read here. Subtitles were set by UWI. “Turkey and Russia, in cooperation with other countries in the region, have to revise the concept of Eurasia. It will be ...

Turkish Party of National Action (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli recently presented President Erdoğan a map as a gift. The map was displaying the Turkic speaking world, including territories in Russia and China as well as Central Asia. The map and its message was widely discussed in Turkish and international media. Even the Spokesman of the Russian Presidency, Dmitry Peskov contributed ...

The St. Petersburg International Economic Forum took place June 2 – 5, 2021. The forum was the largest event on economics in the post-pandemic world. 13,500 participants from 141 countries attended the forum. 43 ministers from foreign nations, 93 diplomats (84 of which were top ambassadors) participated alongside 9 Russian Deputy Prime Ministers and 6 Ministers. 5,000 of the total ...

By Gökhan Dağtekin Gerhard Schröder’s book is not of significance, because it presents the ideas of an author who was formerly German Chancellor and today has executive duties in Russian gas companies. The books main value lies in the fact that it reflects a growing current in Europe. There is no doubt this current is positive in the point of ...

The International Relations Office of the Vatan Party of Turkey, organized an international symposium via videoconference with the participation of 40 government-representatives and experts from 25 countries. Dr. Doğu Perinçek, Chairman of the Vatan Party, made the opening speech of the symposium held under the title of “New International Order” (NINTO) on Saturday, April 17. United World International will in ...