On February 11, the Iranian Guardian Council, which is in charge of approving the competency of the candidates running for election, named the candidates for the upcoming parliamentary elections on February 21. According to the Iranian Interior Ministry’s statistics, 16,145 candidates registered to run, but as many as 9000 (according to nonofficial statistics) were disqualified. The exact number will be ...

Europe Riots in Catalonia On October 14, riots broke out in the Spanish province of Catalonia. The large crowd of protesters blocked roads and railways in opposition to the state’s decision to imprison the former leaders of the Catalan government. The Supreme Court of Spain charged them in relation to illegal separatist activity.  The Spanish authorities were unable to stop ...

It was already clear that the center-left in the United States was poised to change directions in 2016. Clinton’s campaign spared no expense in their effort to push their widely detested candidate from her position as a Secretary of State into the oval office. “It’s her turn”, we were told, and if the Democrat’s voter base had to be taken ...

The primary elections in Portugal held on Sunday resulted in a victory for the Socialist Party chaired by António Costa, however, the results also showed other important developments that need to be taken into account. First, it should be noted that abstention in these elections was historic, with almost 50% of the electorate staying home on election day, showing a ...

Guatemala is currently holding the second round of its presidential elections. With about 98% of polling places reporting, it seems that Giammattei had about 58% of votes, compared to about 42% for Sandra Torres. The first round took place on June 16 (parliamentary and presidential). The winner will be tasked with managing the most populous country in Central America and ...