PIA Global and United Word International share this exclusive interview with Ricardo Patiño Aroca, former foreign minister and minister of economy and defense in the government of Rafael Correa (in government 2007 – 2017). Aroca presents us an analysis of the current situation in the brotherly Andean country. In the session that began this Tuesday, May 16, 2023, in the ...

By Özgür Altınbaş U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan made a statement full of confessions about the US economy. Stating that the economy can no longer be saved with the existing system, Sullivan called for increasing public investments. The US official also underlined that the American middle class is losing ground. The leaders of the system in the U.S. themselves ...

We are publishing the second part of our interview with Adnan Akfırat, the author of the book “Special Warfare in documents of the Pentagon and the CIA”. In this part, we mainly talked on the political economy of the Special Warfare. The establishment of the ‘Mafiocracy’ with the dissolution of the Bretton Woods system, the change in the prevailing capital ...

The global economy is struggling with high inflation, problems in supply chains, widespread poverty. One of the most debated topics are energy and specifically oil prices. In that context, eyes have turned to Venezuela, the country with the biggest global oil reserves. On the situation and perspective of the Italian economy, we spoke with Giuseppe Masala, an Italian economist and ...

By Craig Murray * All Empires end in ignominy. The United Kingdom is drawing to a close, not with a bang but with a fart. A century from now, the dominant historical narrative will be Chinese, and Chinese historians will puzzle over how Boris Johnson fell over a lie about what he knew of sexual harassment by a very junior ...

By Oscar Rotundo We had the opportunity to interview Ricardo Armando Patiño Aroca, an Ecuadorian economist and political leader. He served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, Minister of Economy and Finance and Minister of National Defense of Ecuador during the administration of the former President Rafael Correa. With Ricardo Patíño we analyzed the political and economic process ...

The global capitalist economy seems in disarray. From increasing inflation to vulnerable supply chains, from endangered food production to energy transition and crisis – complaints and warning calls rise at nearly every chapter and branch of the world economy. United World International thus has started a new series of articles and interviews that will shed light on the situation of ...

Interview by Ana Dagorret The global capitalist economy seems in disarray. From increasing inflation to vulnerable supply chains, from endangered food production to energy transition and crisis – complaints and warning calls rise at nearly every chapter and branch of the world economy. United World International thus has started a new series of articles and interviews that will shed light ...

Andrés Manuel López Obrador was elected to Mexico’s presidency in 2018 as the candidate of MORENA (Movement of the National Regeneration), a political party he had founded just 7 years ago. Since the elections MORENA has established itself as the major political force in the country’s political life and succeeded in maintaining its majority in the legislation in midterm elections, ...

United World International is starting a new article series, where international experts evaluate the year 2021 and present their predictions and expectations for the year 2022. Today we present the views of Dr. Doğu Perinçek, Chairman of the Vatan Party (Turkey). If you were the one to name the title, you would also hesitate, thinking if you should name it ...