Until today, 131 people had died of the Coronavirus, the total number of confirmed Coronavirus cases had reached 9,217 and 1,815 more people had been tested positive with the virus in the past 24 hours, as the Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced on twitter. NEW MEASURES AGAINST THE OUTBREAK According to the official announcements, a total of 105 patients have ...

At a time when the number of Coronavirus cases has exceeded 500,000 worldwide and when all the countries of the world are needing to cooperate against the pandemic, the United States has announced new sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, while extending sanctions against Cuba. The US, meanwhile, has become the new center of the pandemic and now exceeds China and ...

BY BEYHAN YILDIRIM / BERLIN Chinese tech companies like Huawei, the inventor of 5G technology which has distinguished itself by outcompeting Western companies, have helped the government to take advantage of smartphones, user databases and GPS systems in the fight against the coronavirus. Now, Germany is looking at the technology that China used in its fight against the virus to ...

The coronavirus epidemic has now spread to all regions of the world and South Asia is no exception. Moreover, given the high population density and the problems with these countries’ healthcare systems, the region may be “a time bomb waiting to explode”. Pakistan: the new epicenter? In Pakistan, 991 cases of coronavirus infection have already been detected, 7 of which ...

Neoliberalism has gone bankrupt, yet the screams of ”we shall expropriate” still echo within its media sanctuaries. Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s ”America first” policies are deeping in response to the collapse of neoliberal globalization, and Europeans are increasingly looking toward the East for solutions. In the wake of the economic fallout resulting from the coronavirus outbreak, Atlanticist ideologues have responded by saying ...

The COVID-19 virus has radically changed the globalist world-system, pushing it toward a new model of multipolarity. Within the course of a few weeks, the EU has been transformed from a united open space to a region with sovereign nationalist regimes complete with closed borders and emergency state authority. The spread of the new virus has certainly not helped the ...

Due to its rapid and comprehensive measures against the virus, China has taken the attention of the world and the attention of the Turkish people in particular. How did the Chinese government, who eventually defeated the virus, achieve this? Tunc Akkoc (of the Aydınlık newspaper) asked Cui Wei, the Consul General of China in Istanbul. Consul General Cui has said ...

The whole world is taking action against the spread of the dangerous new virus COVID-19. After China’s tough and timely response to the pandemic, Europe and the US have become the epicenter of the epidemic. Italy, which is now being helped by China, Russia and Cuba, has been hit hardest. The new European plague: Why the West became the epicenter ...

Since February 19, when Iran’s Ministry of Health reported the first case of infection with a new coronavirus in the country, the number of infected in the Islamic Republic has reached 24,811, while 1,934  have died and 8,913 patients have recovered. New cases of infection in Iran are detected every day, and the mortality rate has already exceeded 7%. According ...

The New York Times reports that, against the backdrop of the novel coronavirus pandemic in Iran, a number of officials in the Trump administration are insisting on the need to take advantage of the country’s weakening and strike. In the meantime, a systematic policy of pressure on the Iranian authorities to reduce the role of Hashd Shaabi units, as well ...