At the end of February, the world was discussing the restrictive measures that had to be taken against the Coronavirus pandemic. Now, just 3 months after, people are beginning to criticize these measures and demand the end of the restrictions. This situation reminded me of a tweet by George Friedman, the founder of Stratfor (A think tank associated with the ...

One of the most discussed questions in the world right now is what kind of a world awaits in the post-coronavirus era. We might also ask whether the changes in store can come about without a major global conflict. The End of Liberal-Globalist system Almost everyone agrees that the liberal-globalist system is now collapsing. This is agreed on not only ...

The Coronavirus pandemic has become a convenient way for governments in many countries to strengthen surveillance of their own citizens. About 30 countries around the world have strengthened such measures. As governments discuss the need to remove quarantine restrictions, the issue of controlling the number of people falling ill is becoming more and more acute. It’s impossible to continue lockdown ...

The coronavirus crisis in Ibero-America has brought to light numerous problems across the entire continent. All models of governance and international disposition have suffered attacks to different degrees, revealing internal problems linked to the economy, health and the subsistence of citizens. In all of Latin America the number of cases amounts to 200,000, with a total of 10,000 deaths (officially) ...

Intelligence agencies in five countries accused China of concealing and destroying coronavirus data. The Intelligence alliance “Five Eyes”, which includes the intelligence services of the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand, prepared a 15-page report on the matter, Australian newspaper The Daily Telegraph wrote. The document states that Beijing concealed news of the emergence of COVID-19, destroyed evidence ...

Libyan instability and Haftar’s road to dictatorship On April 27 after a series of pro-Haftar demonstrations in Eastern Libya and the appeal of Aguila Saleh Issa  for the establishment of a new Libyan Political  Agreement – Haftar declared  himself the ruler of Libya, claiming to have accepted the mandate of the people. The GNA accused Haftar of the coup d’etat ...

Despite the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, tensions in international relations continue all over the world, including Turkey, where conflict has continued without missing a beat. Last week, the political crisis with the United Arab Emirates(UAE) and the fate of the S-400 air defense missiles were the two main subjects in the diplomatic corridors of Ankara. UAE BACKED FORCES ARE ...

As President Erdoğan correctly stated, we are at the end of the international order that was built under the hegemony of the US after World War II. Neoliberalism imposed under the banner of the “Washington Consensus” has come to an end, which also signals the end of globalization as we know it. However, there can be no doubt that these ...

To begin with, I must state the projected fact that all major powers, US, China, EU as a whole, and Russia will come out bruised and battered by this Coronavirus, aka COVID-19, and quite possibly its second strain COVID-20 which is forecasted both by our CDC (Center for Disease Control) and well as the WHO (World Health Organization) to unravel ...

The coronavirus pandemic has already claimed the lives of more than 170,000 people around the world. The US, Iran, China and Turkey, have suffered uncountable losses, however, the virus continues its victorious march around the world. It is expected that up to 2 million people will die within a year and almost the entire population of the earth will be ...