Latin America is the so-called “Great Fatherland” that seeks to establish regional integration for the last 200 years. China is the new emerging pole in what some call the Great Power competition. The relations between the two have been much discussed in the context of multipolarity, where different blocs on the globe establish direct exchange without the interference of the ...

Nicaragua’s decision to support Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in the presidency of CELAC revealed bilateral tensions between Managua and Buenos Aires. What are the real motives? What other countries are involved in this impasse? What about the left in Latin America? On the surface On July 30, 2021, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua reported, ...

At the end of July, López Obrador, the President of Mexico, addressed the foreign ministers of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), based on harsh criticism of the OAS, emphasizing the need to relaunch the organization for continental integration of Our America. His position was supported from multiple angles and by different actors. We will try here ...

The government of Mexico has celebrated the 238 anniversary of the birth of Simon Bolivar, “El Libertador de América” on past Saturday. The state ceremony was held in the Presidential Palace to honor Bolivar, who is considered a hero of anti-colonial struggle and Latin American unity. The ceremony took place within the framework of Mexico’s bicentennial anniversary of independence in ...