While the eruption of the clashes in Ukraine nears its first anniversary, the global public opinion debates the emergence of a new world order. The West has imposed sanctions on Russia – which the so-called Global South openly opposes. This has lead to questioning the given order and fuelled debates on the emergence of a multipolar world order. We spoke ...

The history of international relations in Latin America is the history of the unresolved contradiction between the Monroist and Bolivarian thoughts. The first gave rise to the Pan-American idea based on the hegemony of the United States over the region, where the rest of the countries have a subordinate and submissive position. The Bolivarian thought originated as a need to ...

By Alberto Fernández, President of the Republic of Argentina and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of the Republic of Brazil Brazil’s recently elected President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known as Lula, has returned his country to the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, CELAC, from which his predecessor Jair Bolsonaro had withdrawn. Lula has made his first ...

By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * The world is degenarting. Barbarism is prevailing. A series of values, principles and behaviors that humanity had accepted as valid – despite the fact that they are an expression of antagonistic class societies – and that a large part of that same humanity considers “normal”, are being overwhelmed, mistreated and excluded from everyday life. The ...

By Douglas Bolivar / Caracas, additional reporting and edit by Yunus Soner On April 18, Argentine President Alberto Fernández announced his country would “fully reestablish diplomatic relations with Venezuela”. Leading the CELAC within pro tempore presidency, Fernández also called “all Latin American countries to do the same”. The Argentine government thus recognizes the legitimacy of the Maduro government in Venezuela, ...

Today we publish the second part pf our interview with Citlalli Hernández Mora, Secretary General of MORENA (Movement of National Regeneration) , the leading party in the coalition governing Mexico. In this part, Hernández speaks about Mexican-US relations, the new constellation in Latin America and Mexico’s relations with extracontinental powers. Trump and Biden The last US President Donald Trump was ...

By Omar José Hassaan Fariñas*/ Oscar Rotundo** With the many worries and challenges we face daily, perhaps it is worth celebrating the few good pieces of news we receive from time to time. In this regard, we have just heard that China and the member states of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) agreed to adopt the ...

By Omar José Sayed Hassaan Fariñas* * Dr. of Strategic Development Sciences in the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, Second Secretary in the Foreign Ministry of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Recently, we had the opportunity to hear some rather interesting statements offered by the Vice minister of Multilateral Affairs of the Colombian Foreign Ministry, Mrs. María Carmelina Londoño, during the ...

Context The Argentine national context, in which the XXII Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) was held on January 6 and 7 was marked, mainly by the following topics: 1) the exponential increase of Covid19 case numbers, due to the rapid expansion of the Omicron variant and the high traffic of local ...

On January 7, the XXII Meeting of Foreign Ministers of CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) was held in Buenos Aires. After the Mexico pro tempore presidency, in a new turn, Argentina will seek to keep giving life to an organism created under the influence of the integrative anti-imperialist trend led by Hugo Chávez in 2010. At that ...