Protests in Hong Kong On Sunday, several districts in Hong Kong held anti-government protests. This time, groups of demonstrators gathered in shopping malls. At least 17 people between the ages of 19 and 55 were hospitalized with injuries of varying degrees of severity. The Hong Kong police detained more than 300 people between November 1 and 3 for illegal and ...

The European Union encouraged the United Kingdom’s decision to withdraw by January 31 2020. Britain intends to hold early elections on December 12, hoping to resolve the political deadlock – 438 of the 650 members of the lower house of parliament voted in favor of the measure, while only 20 stood opposed.  The EU27 has agreed that it will accept ...

As former Prime Minister Theresa May was struggling to master the juggling act of pushing a Brexit deal through Parliament, many people thought the UK’s ejection plan couldn’t possibly have spiralled out of control any faster. In the time Boris Johnson has served as Prime Minister thus far, however, the optimists have been proven wrong. Hi folks – here's what's ...

October 31 is the date when Great Britain is scheduled to withdraw from the EU. No matter how opponents of Brexit delay the move, sooner or later it will take place. Exiting the EU entails a lot of problems for the political elite, but most crucially it represents the possibility of London making a serious geopolitical shift. For the past 3 years, the British ...

The most important question for the European Union today is whether BREXIT signals the beginning of the end for the entire bloc, or will ultimately serve to discourage other countries from attempting to cut ties. BREXIT: a denial of democracy No one was more surprised by the result of the 2016 Referendum on BREXIT than the British people themselves. Up ...

Boris Johnson recently became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom by a majority vote of the Conservative Party, despite his spotty reputation. This has generated a lot of worry, as any poorly considered action on his part could endanger the EU and his premiership.   WHO IS THE NEW RESIDENT OF HOUSE DOWNING STREET? Boris Johnson is of Turkish, French ...

         Theresa May’s chance at being the Prime Minister who delivers Brexit to the British people has expired. No amount of renegotiating with the European Union or pleading with the MPs of Westminster did much good in saving her career.             Now the Tory Party’s former frontrunner, Boris Johnson, has come to replace May. His Donald Trump-style ...

Ten politicians are officially registered as candidates for the post of leader of the ruling British Conservative Party and the country’s prime minister. The details were announced on Monday after applicants were officially registered by Cheryl Gillan, a representative of the Tory Party.   THE CANDIDATES Boris Johnson, 54 The former mayor of London and current Foreign Secretary. Well known ...

British Prime Minister Theresa May presented an alternative action plan (plan B)  for secession from the EU after deputies rejected the previous agreement with Brussels with a vote  scheduled for the 29th of January. Brexit is scheduled to begin the 29th of March. What are the main point of the new Brexit Plan and what does the future hold for ...

Turkey and USA – Safe zone to be established in North Syrian Last week, the presidents of the United States and Turkey, Donald Trump and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, discussed the idea of ​​setting up a safe zone in northern Syria. Erdogan also expressed support for his American counterpart in his decision to withdraw US troops from Syria. According to Trump, ...