The public agenda in Turkiye was been relatively calmer for the first days of the New Year, when compared to the previous year. The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has welcomed the new year with his speech on the climate change. The contradictions over the NATO membership of Sweden and Finland has started to deepen between Turkiye and other NATO ...

By Oscar Rotundo * Bolsonaro’s defeat caused various actions, many of them violent, which clearly showed that the fascist sectors were not going to allow governability. They advanced their claims of fraud and military intervention with blockades of roads and camps that, over the course of the days, multiplied in cities across the country. Since January 1, the day Lula ...

The former US security advisor John Bolton made a striking comment on Türkiye about a week ago. He said “Unfortunately, this includes Türkiye, whose NATO membership should be in doubt in 2023 if [Turkish] President Recep Tayyip Erdogan – probably through fraud – will be re-elected in the elections scheduled for June.” Political scientist and United World International author Onur ...