Turkey-US economic war: from mutual sanctions to Erdogan’s new political course The conflict between US and Turkey continues to escalate. After sanctions were imposed against two Turkish ministers and tariffs on steel and aluminum were introduced, the Turkish economy ,shaken by the economic attacks, is seeking the path to stabilization and moderating its relationship with the US. This week Turkey ...

Afghanistan has again become a hotbed of political instability and violence, and in recent days there have been numerous tragic events. On the 15th of August a suicide bomber blew up the Mawood private academy with at least 100 students present. According to media at least 48 are confirmed dead and 67 were injured. The president of Afghanistan, Mohammad Ashraf ...

With the onset of EU/US sanctions on Iran’s energy sector, the country’s oil and gas production capacity decreased dramatically. Following the signing of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), however, is was hoped that the country would be provided with an opportunity to attract more foreign investment, not least that which ...

Globalization – a natural process? There are few words in the current European political discours which are seen as nonpolitical as the term globalization. Open borders, freedom of movement, the possibility to consume products from the other side of the globe – all these „advantages“ of globalization are considered „natural“ today. But as every coin has it’s backside, also the ...

The relationship between Turkey and the US has reached a critical point. Sanctions against two Turkish ministers alongside new tariffs on steel and aluminium have destroyed the former strategic partnership of the two NATO members. The situation is critical: no compromise is in sight, and every day brings new tariffs and critical assessments. Erdogan is accusing the US of disrespectful ...

Turkey enters real economic war with US The escalation of tensions between Turkey and the US is growing fast: this week American president Donald Trump doubled tarrifs on Turkish steel and aluminum imports. Having been strategic partners for more than 60 years, Turkey and the US are now facing the biggest crisis in the history of their relationship. The deterioration ...

On August 4th, an assassination attempt was made against the re-elected President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro. During the leader’s recent speech in Caracas, an unmanned aerial vehicle exploded near the president. Six people were arrested. Possible Variations  Responsibility for the assassination attempt was assumed by the underground group “Flannel Soldiers”, which formed in 2014. In July of 2017, one member ...

US-Turkey: the conflict escalates On the 1st of August the U.S. government imposed sanctions against Turkish Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul and Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu over the  imprisonment of Andrew Brunson. The United States has blamed both for being involved in Brunson’s arrest and detention. The Pastor was accused by the Turkish government of being connected with Gulenist groups and is seen ...

Lifting sanctions in the wake of the Iranian nuclear deal opened large opportunities for resource-rich Iran to bring its long-stagnant industry up to date. Most of the oil fields in Iran are in the second half of their production capabilities, with the productivity of wells decreasing by 8% annually. The result has been a decline in foreign exchange earnings and ...

On the 1st of August the U.S. government imposed sanctions on Turkish officials. The official representative of the White House Sarah Sanders announced that the sanctions were imposed against  Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul and Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu over the country’s imprisonment of Andrew Brunson. The United States has blamed both for being involved in Brunson’s arrest and detention. The ...