The war against the unipolar world is spreading from Moscow

By Yiğit Saner reporting from Moscow, Russia

On the 26th and 27th of February, the Russian Federation hosted over 500 participants from more than 130 countries in Moscow to challenge Western hegemony. As the Aydınlık and Ulusal Channel team, we closely followed the Second Congress of the International Russophile Movement (MIR), brimming with hope, enthusiasm and ideas.

The MIR, aiming to disseminate objective and reliable information about Russia globally, thereby countering anti-Russian propaganda and myths, has a significant place in opposing Western efforts to diplomatically and economically isolate Russia. At the core of the Movement’s discourse lies the belief that Western sanctions and isolation attempts not only prove ineffective but also create a reverse impact.

Indeed, the insistent desire of the “Collective West”, the phrase of Russian President Vladimir Putin, to isolate Russia paradoxically strengthens Russian-friendly politicians, experts and public opinion leaders in countries targeted by Western propaganda and they are gradually coming together.

Russia became a magnet

Participants from 130 countries in the Congress share a common desire to counter the Russophobic hysteria fueled in the West with unprecedented methods through constructive, creative, intellectual activities and strengthening diplomatic means. The desperate effort to maintain the unipolar world order, approaching its inevitable end, is faltering in the face of the multipolarity movement’s passion for establishing a new world order. The demand of the “Collective West” to spread its order based on its own rules is paradoxically giving life to the demands for justice and equality from various states, power centers and civilizations.

The enthusiastic participation of high-profile intellectuals from all continents in the Congress clearly indicates that Russia has become a magnet for those oppressed, ignored, suppressed and targeted by the West. As emphasized by all delegations, the struggle of Russia in Ukraine is “struggle of us all” and therefore Russia’s victory will be “victory of us all” on the towards a free world.’

“Freedom cannot exist without free will”

The opening speech of the approximately 600-person congress, where not a single seat remained empty, was delivered by the unquestionable star and center of attention at the reception the night before at Moscow’s historic Metropolitan: Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Maria Zakharova.

Starting her words with the phrase “ladies and gentlemen”, a term avoided by the Western world in the context of “LGBT rights,” Zakharova received great applause from the audience. She pointed to the inevitability of transitioning to a new world order with the necessity of restructuring the world economy, increasing national self-awareness and maintaining cultural diversity. She noted that international organizations under Western hegemony “ignore, manipulate and deliberately do not respond to the needs of the majority of the world.”

Emphasizing that they do not represent any kind of dictatorship, administrative control or totalitarianism, Zakharova said that “freedom cannot exist without free will” and this is the “basis of the integration that our countries are implementing.”

What is multipolarity?

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, the key to states living together harmoniously without conflict lies in the main topic of the first day of the Congress: Multipolarity. Describing multipolarity as a world where states strengthen their sovereignty and new opportunities emerge for those who don’t accept Western instructions, Zakharova said that free countries want to define themselves based on their own core values.

Zakharova then said, “We are creating a unifying agenda without preconditions, without commanding, based on goodwill and free will” and “we are obliged to fight against the aggressive and destructive West to preserve our eroding cultural values.”

Common ground: categorical rejection of hegemony

The highly anticipated Russian political scientist and philosopher Aleksandr Dugin’s began his speech by declaring that the people gathered in Moscow will build a multipolar new world. Dugin said that everyone participating in the congress represents their own civilization and values. He pointed that a significant change is underway: Imperialism seeks to create cyborgs who have lost their identity, self and culture due to “one culture, one system, one economic model” and the common ground of the participants is categorical rejection of these.

We are building a new world

“The unipolar world is the triumph of liberalism that has become the only ideology, and multipolarity is an objection to this ideology”, said Dugin and highlighted that the conflict is not with the West as a whole but with the Western ideology imposed on other civilized countries. Dugin said that the idea of multipolarity is still in the “development process” while the actual war against the West has already begun both in Ukraine and Gaza.

The Russian political scientist noted that the “elite” seeking to challenge “global elites” came together in Moscow, and this opposing force has immense intellectual potential, education, willpower and knowledge. According to Dugin, this anti-globalist elite will set the parameters of multipolarity to balance Western hegemony.

Impositions of the West vs traditional powers

The Russian philosopher emphasized that Russia is not alone in resisting the West and that the idea of multipolar world has come together with the struggle against “new colonialism” from China to Latin America, from Africa to the Middle East and India. Dugin stated that Vladimir Putin’s foreign policy heralds a new world and profound changes are occurring in our mindset.

Dugin repeatedly emphasized in his speech that the antidote to new colonialism is embracing national identities and added that the impositions of the West under the guise of modernism will be “overcome by traditional powers.” Dugin also addressed Western peoples saying they are “victims of unipolarity” and should not be seen as “enemies.” When the Russian political scientist concluded his words saying   “we are the human beings” against the hollowness of the West, the room erupted into applause.

Unite and develop against divide and conquer

Professor Chang Weiwei, a prominent international relations expert from the Chinese Communist Party, highlighted in his speech at the Congress that the concept of a unipolar world is outdated. Stating that unipolarity is “unethical, unjust and inappropriate” Chang said that this order will change with the strengthening of China and Russia’s international positions and the expansion of BRICS with countries in the Southern hemisphere and the Eastern countries.

Weiwei criticized the West of using everything possible as a weapon like in cases of “color revolutions” and provoking wars with the policy of “divide and conquer”, but China has “changed this forever.” Weiwei said “We believe in the slogan of ‘unite and develop’ instead”.

Weiwei also talked about Russia and said that the majority of the world supports Russia in its conflict with the West and peoples of the world will “isolate those who isolate Russia.” Weiwei agreed with the other speakers that the new world order is possible with multipolarity.

The West as the greatest enemy of humanity

Kemi Seba, a French citizen of Beninese origin and a leader in Pan-Africanism, expressed that a complex Third World War, with geopolitical and theological aspects, is already underway. Seba emphasized that Africa knows much more about Western hegemony and its consequences than commonly believed and in this century Africa, the “cradle of humankind”, will function as a “compass” for building a more just world order. Describing the West as the “greatest enemy” of humanity, the African leader characterized the current struggle as between “good and evil”.

Elimination of national sovereignties

Speaking on behalf of the Catholic Church, Italian Bishop Carlo Maria Vigano stated that the greatest threat to humanity is the gradual elimination of national sovereignties by the West and the establishment of a new world order with “puppet governments.” The West “humiliates, enslaves and manipulates” peoples of the world said Vigano, so the struggle is against “globalists and evil” and the world is being dragged into a third great war.

Unipolarity speaks for superiority of the West

Sheikh Imran Hosein from Malaysia began his speech with expressing gratitude that Islam was given the chance to speak. Contrary to the belief in the West, humanity is a family, and “unipolarity is nothing more than a virus that speaks for the superiority of the West” said Hosein. He described the claim that civilizing without embracing Western rules isn’t possible as a “disease”.

New colonialism and the US Dollar

There were many evidences at the Congress that there is a strong opposition to globalization, including within the very West. Former US Senator Cynthia McKinney’s remarks were confirming this. McKinney discussed the difference between colonialism and new colonialism, emphasizing that the primary control tool of latter is the American dollar and that multipolarity wouldn’t be possible without the sovereignty of national currencies.

Gratitude for Snowden

One of the most notable figures among the participants was former CIA analyst Larry Johnson. Johnson drew attention to the freedom of expression crisis in the West. Johnson emphasized that the US’ hegemony is coming to an end and Russia’s special military operation against the Kiev regime would set off a series of events leading to the unraveling of the “so-called rules-based international order” that neither Moscow nor Beijing could have imagined.

Johnson reminded how the US mocked the Soviet newspaper Pravda during the Cold War for not reporting the truth, and the same is happening in the Western press now. “Independent voices in our country are being silenced” said Johnson and expressed gratitude to Russia for providing asylum to Edward Snowden saying “I never dreamt one day I would thank Russia for granting asylum to Edward Snowden”. Johnson also mentioned that neither the death of Gonzalo Lira in Ukrainian prisons nor Julian Assange can be discussed openly.

Why are feminists silent about Darya?

Italian writer and journalist Princess Vittoria Alliata di Villafranca mainly addressed hypocrisy of the feminist movement in the West. Referring to the bomb explosion in her car that claimed the life of Darya Dugina, Princess Alliata questioned the silence of the West after the murder of such a valuable woman and asked if the reason is that she was “Russian”.

Resistance and full independence

Russian businessman Konstantin Malofeev who moderated the forum on the first day took reducing the influence of global institutions under Western dominance as topic in his speech. Malofeev identified the IMF as the leading globalist institution, stating that the organization promotes political reforms instead of economic ones.

In addition to the IMF, Malofeev also discussed the activities of the World Health Organization (WHO) and said that the primary task of this Organization is not to “protect the health of humanity” as seen during the COVID pandemic, but to make “social engineering”. Malofeev pointed out that the WHO was established with the money of the Rockefeller family and that its current main sponsor is the Bill Gates Foundation and stated that international organizations and companies have long been serving the interests of the global elite. Malofeev emphasized that regaining sovereignty for states depends on reducing the influence of all these institutions.

Lavrov takes the stage

The second day of the Congress focused more on administrative matters within the Russian Friends Movement. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who received a standing ovation upon entering the hall, began his speech by reading the message that Russian President Vladimir Putin had sent to the Congress.

The message extended good wishes to the participants and highlighted the role of the Russian Friends Movement in spreading objective and reliable information about Russia, exposing black propaganda and opposing the isolation of Russia.

Sergey Lavrov emphasized that Russia would pursue a peaceful and constructive foreign policy based on non-interference in the internal affairs of other states, advocate a “more just multipolar order” to ensure the well-being of all humanity.

We will shape the international landscape

Lavrov underscored that the issues addressed at the Congress would shape the international landscape in the coming years and that “destructive policy of Western elites to isolate Russia” including in the global information and culture domain has “totally utter failed”.

Lavrov concluded his speech saying that Russia has “many real and time-proven friends everywhere, including the US and Europe”, “They not only show interest in us but also share the values we stand for, which are common to all world religions and civilizations”. As he finished his speech, the African delegations rose to their feet and chanted slogans in their own languages.

Hybrid war

Maria Zakharova, one of the stars of the first day, took the stage again in the second session. This time, she drew attention to the “hybrid war” waged against Russia. Zakharova said Western disinformation activities intersect in the realms of cinema, music, entertainment and “journalism”. Zakharova noted that the sources of hybrid warfare are now allocated to “serve the Kiev regime and demonizing Russia”.

She pointed out that Western audiences have been instilled with the idea that Russians are “pure evil” since childhood through media productions and this generally applies to all Eurasian peoples. She gave the 2006 film “Borat” which humiliates the Kazakh people and China-phobia during the COVID-19 crisis as examples.

Lastly, Zaharova said that media organizations such as Bloomberg, Associated Press, and Reuters are under the control of intelligence services, and that the majority of journalists working in these institutions are manipulated and used without even realizing it. She concluded by noting that Nazis were also propaganda champions but “We won the war.”

No need to fight against mainstream media

One of the anticipated guests at the Congress was Brazilian journalist and political analyst Pepe Escobar. Escobar said that he worked in mainstream Western newspapers to see how they operate, and argued news agencies like Associated Press are nothing more than massive news centers that don’t care what truth is. Escobar stated that journalists there have to know well what “can and cannot be written” about countries like Russia, China and Iran.

According to Escobar, “manipulated information” spreads worldwide through these propaganda machines, but it is futile to try to fight against them as nobody believes their news anymore. Instead, he emphasized the potential of social media platforms and gave how Vladimir Putin’s interview with the American journalist Tucker Carlson reached the entire world on the internet as example.

Nelson Mandela’s grandson

Turkish speakers also took the stage at the Congress. Retired Air Force Colonel İhsan Sefa made a speech on the first day titled “Global South: Changes in global architecture.” Prof. Dr. Erdem İlker Mutlu and Prof. Dr. Ali Murat Özdemir from Hacettepe University spoke in the session “West after hegemony: Is it possible to save European civilization.” Ethem Sancak’s, elected to the Board of Directors of the International Russophile Movement, sent a message delivered by Dr. Mehmet Perinçek, the representative of the Vatan Party in Russia, in the session the moderated by the founder of the movement, Bulgarian politician Nikolay Malinov.

Among the speakers were also Nelson Mandela’s grandson Mandle Mandela, who emphasized the need to move away from the hegemonic unipolar system that “continues to support Israel” and former mixed martial arts champion Jeff Monson, who renounced his US citizenship and became Russian citizen.

Inexorable victory

Maybe the most striking point in the multipolarity forum and generally at the Congress was that the majority of the world is “on our side.” The Congress unequivocally was like a preview of a multipolar new world order based on mutual respect with countries under attack such as Russia and China, as well as South Hemisphere and international organizations like to BRICS.

Of course, the inspiring words and exciting ideas we heard in Moscow don’t mean that victory has already been won, however shows that victory for human dignity is inevitable and in the words of Aleksandr Dugin, we are in a new era of rebellion that all “real human beings” are waiting for. A “new hope” for a multipolar world was born in Moscow and now inexorably spreading to all the continents.