By Orçun Göktürk / Beijing, China The emergence of a more equitable multipolar world order, where power is distributed among many leading states rather than dominated by a single hegemon, offers significant opportunities for Türkiye. The transition away from a Western-centered paradigm towards an integrated Eurasian identity is the most important option for Turkish foreign policy. Since the second half ...

By Mohammed Sabreen, Cairo / Egypt The task was not very difficult for Russia under Vladimir Putin, the new Tsar in the Kremlin, in restoring old relations in the Middle East, and even winning new friends, whether in Iran or the Gulf states, most notably the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The recipe was not complicated, but rather a little patience ...

By Fernando Esteche This week’s coup attempt in Bolivia has shaken not only the country but the entire continent, raising eyebrows even in Eurasia. This is due to the fact that the Bolivian government represents a path to independence, self-determination and industrialization in the so-called US backyard. Very soon after its failure, voices emerged in the country that claimed that ...

The horror produced by the brutal Zionist actions in Gaza and the West Bank is a clear expression of the inability of the West and capitalism to provide peace and development for humanity. Zionism has proposed – in the name of a supposed divine mandate – to sweep the Palestinians from the territory that belongs to them. These facts are ...

By Serhat Latifoğlu Türkiye announced its interest in joining BRICS. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said: “We welcome the increasing interest in BRICS from neighboring states, including important partners like Türkiye. Naturally, this will also be on the agenda of the BRICS next summit which will be chaired by Russia. The organization may not be able to meet all the interests ...

China resolves the long-standing debate about its “desire and ability” to get involved in the sands of the Middle East, and there is no longer any doubt that the “silent partner” now dares to speak out and is working hard to become an insurmountable number in the Middle East. I believe that the Gaza war, Netanyahu’s madness, Washington’s blatant complicity, ...

On May 23-24, the international “Second Europe-Asia: Dialogue of Civilizations Conference” was held in the Russian city of Perm on the Europe-Asia border. Statesmen, politicians, diplomats, and experts from various regions of the Eurasian continent participated in the Conference. One of the speakers at the conference was Lu Xiaojun, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China ...

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently announced that he had opened embassies in 10 African countries. This is presented as a consequence of his long-term work to build a “strategic relationship” with Africa. A year ago, Dmitry Kuleba went on a tour to Africa. During May and June he visited Morocco, Mozambique, Rwanda, Ethiopia and some other countries. His trip apparently ...

By Umur Tugay Yücel / Political Scientist BRICS is the most democratic, most egalitarian, most tolerant civilization and civilization project of the 21st century. Defining only an economic and commercial center for BRICS is missing. BRICS is an economic and commercial player as well as an unquestionably cultural actor. Because the BRICS structure is a global ocean of civilization and ...

Historians describe the 1789 French Revolution as a “rupture”. The political, economic, and cultural upheaval that occurred in France following the Storming of the Bastille, which shook the world, is described as a “rupture”, a radical break from the established order. Today, we are in the midst of a significant global rupture process. Chinese President Xi Jinping, in his meeting ...