The Global Multipolarity Conference

The institutions Nova Resistência (Brazil), the New International Order Initiative (Türkiye), the International Eurasian Movement (Russia), the Thinkers’ Forum (China) and the International Russophile Movement organized a ‘Global Multipolarity Conference’ on April 29th, 2023.

Hundreds of personalities from all over world participated in the conference in part personally and in part online. The Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov held the welcoming speech of the conference.

The conference discussed the following main topics:

1. Theoretical and practical aspects of deconstructing unipolarity.

2. Multipolarity and perspectives of the Global South.

3. The struggle against neo-colonialism in a multipolar world.

4. Ideological alternatives to totalitarian liberalism.

5. Economic aspects of multipolarity.

6. Dialogue of civilizations and cultural foundations of multipolarity

United World International will present in the coming days a number of presentations and speeches held in the conference. Today, we start with the invitation text by the organizing Multipolar Committee.

A multipolar world is based on the recognition of the equality of civilizations and cultures, each forming its own cosmos.

A multipolar world is based on the recognition of the equality of civilizations and cultures, each forming its own cosmos. This means that each civilization has its own system of values, its own codes, its own Logos, its own identity. And if so, each civilization itself forms its own ideas about God, man, world, time, space, matter, society, good and evil, right and wrong. And it is these ideas that should form the basis of the social, political, economic system, which each civilization creates independently. There are no universal rules for all civilizations. And no civilization has the right to impose its own rules on one another.
Humanity is made up of these independent and sovereign entities – civilizations. The system of international relations should be built through equitable and respectful dialogue, taking into account the views and positions of each civilization. This is the essence of the theory of a multipolar world.

The multipolar world order is opposed to the unipolar world order, which imposes on all peoples, civilizations and cultures only one single civilizational model, presented as something “universal”, “progressive” and having “no alternative”. In this world only one ideology is acceptable – liberal, one type of economic structure – capitalism, one form of political organization – Western-style representative democracy, one system of values – extreme individualism and postmodernist decomposition of all entities – ethical, social, ethnic, religious, including the call to overcome man in favor of the machine and AI (modern transhumanism).

This is how Western globalists build their foreign policy on a global scale, seeking to maintain the hegemony of the West at all costs and forcing everyone else to accept “universal” rules, criteria, laws, threatening all dissenters with repression, ostracism, isolation, or sanctions and even war.

The unipolar world in its present state is directed not only against other non-Western civilizations, but also against the West itself, against its traditions and cultural heritage, which is also subject to purges and eradication in favor of abstract globalist norms – wokeism, cancel culture, etc. That is why unipolarity takes as an example not just the West as one of the civilizations, but precisely liberal globalism in its postmodern form, not only giving freedom to all perversions of human nature, but also granting them legal status and even obliging the whole society to move in this direction (LGBT+, deep ecology, drug legalization, transhumanism, technological surveillance, deplatforming and so on).

Therefore, multipolarity as an alternative to liberal globalism corresponds to the interests of the most Western societies, which still cherish their cultural heritage, their identity and their traditions. Certainly to the liberal globalism and to unipolar model closely linked to it have sworn only the ruling oligarchic elites of the West and the associated segments of the non-Western elites who fully accept the rules of the globalist game. Outside the West, many political elites openly reject this orientation, while some great States – influential and powerful ones like China, Russia, Iran, etc. – openly acknowledge multipolarity as the top priority in international politics. There are some Western elites that do the same (like Orban in Hungary), but they are still in the minority.

This is not the case with multi-polarity among the peoples. Non-western societies almost unanimously reject globalism, liberalism and the hegemony of the modern West, remain faithful to their values and continue to follow their traditions. Moreover, there is a growing desire for profound decolonization, for dewesternization, for a liberation of consciousness, thought, and culture from the clichés imposed by the West.

The peoples of the West itself – Europe, the United States, etc. – also reject liberal globalism and the true dictatorship of the oligarchic illegitimate elites. At least half or much more of the population of Western countries as well as non-Western societies do not regard the globalist elites as legitimate and wage a direct political or indirect sociocultural struggle against them.

Our goal is to bring together all supporters of multipolarity at the world level into a single solidarity network. We are all different and we have very different religions, political systems, traditions, cultural values, identities. Of course, there are historical contradictions, disputes and conflicts between our peoples and civilizations. But today, what unites us all is far more important and weighty than what divides us. Unipolarity threatens all of humanity and our mission is to give it a strong rebuff. And only then can we move on to regional problems – after we have solved the global problem. The global problem consists in transition from the unipolar world order to the multipolar one. That is the mission what we have to fulfill.

For this purpose we are creating multipolar platforms for each world region. The goal of our groups is to study and explore multipolarity, to promote it, to free consciousness from globalist clichés, to educate an intellectual elite of truly sovereign civilizations, to promote friendship and mutual understanding between peoples and cultures. Our goal is to make the world just, friendly, respectful of every civilization, peaceful and preserving every tradition. This is the direction our work will take.

The first Global Congress on Multipolarity, held on April 29, 2023, was a resounding success, with the participation of the world’s leading intellectuals and political figures of global stature, and launched a systematic process of conscious construction of a multipolar world order. This is primarily an intellectual initiative, and it is addressed to thinkers, philosophers, specialists in international relations, sociology, cultural studies, diplomacy. But other institutions – diplomatic, political, economic, informational and cultural – will gradually emerge around this ideological axis. Only together can the peoples of the world defend their sovereignty in the face of the growing threat of total dehumanization, perversion and catastrophe, to which the policy of unipolarity inevitably leads.

We invite you all to join our network.

Multipolarity Committee