Manifest of the Bicentennial of the Battle of Carabobo

“The Freedom of the New World is the Hope of the Universe” – Simón Bolívar

The Bicenttenial Congress in Caracas, Venezuela has convened from June 21st to June 24th and concluded with the “Manifest of the Bicentennial of the Battle of Carabobo”.

United World International presents below the complete text of the manifest.

Manifest of the Bicentennial of the Battle of Carabobo

  1. Capitalism experiences a systemic and multidimensional crisis. Humanity suffers its economic consequences and especially, affects people with lower purchasing power. The COVID-19 pandemic enhances the crisis, increases social problems and shows the injustices of neoliberal dogma. Public policies on COVID-19 implemented by the governments that defend neoliberal capitalism put humanity in danger.
  2. The management of the global health crisis, in the framework of the prevailing neoliberalism with its rationality based on capital accumulation, deepens inequalities, increases poverty, unemployment increases, evictions and social exclusion worsen. Voracity speculative action by Western pharmaceutical corporations coupled with the struggle between powers for the production and acquisition of vaccines against COVID-19, reaffirms the character inhumanity of the capitalist mode of production, the decline of the Western civilizational model and the ethical collapse of a system of domination articulated in terms of the maximization of Profits.
  3. US hegemony is in decline. Its ruling social classes and elites are deeply fractured. Its economy suffers a severe depression while losing important markets. Military interventions in Asia have failed, the European Union has distance from some of its policies and, furthermore, the United States faces the political-military challenge of emerging powers.
  4. Neoliberal globalization becomes its strategic bet to preserve its domination. Imposing your model is imperative to defeat your adversaries. The Guide Provisional Strategic National Security exposes the hegemonic intention of the Biden administration. Humanity already suffers from the actions of the White House that are taking place economically, in the dispute over geostrategic areas, the control of technologies such as 5G, military attacks, in various aggressions aimed at maintaining its supremacy and in the strengthening of NATO.
  5. The planning of NATO, the military arm of neoliberal globalization, is a danger to peace since it violates the sovereignty of nations, perpetrates armed aggressions against the peoples and creates conditions for a confrontation not exempt from nuclear risk. Your perspective of expansion beyond the North Atlantic, into Eastern Europe and Latin America, as well as the encirclement to Russia and China it denotes a danger to the whole world.
  6. At present the dispossession of territories shows its determination to seize and control, by any means, the minerals essential for new technologies, the sources of water, energy and biodiversity. The dispute over these common goods marks the international order and it is a motive for the neocolonial campaigns of the great powers. Without a doubt, imperialism it is the main threat to humanity. His policies are extremely destructive of the Mother Earth, they threaten life, stimulate hatred, undermine peace and suppress self-determination of the peoples.
  7. His model is built on the exploitation of the working class, domination of the people’s origins, the patriarchy that perpetuates the subjugation of women, strengthens the feminization of poverty, tolerates child slavery and endorses racial segregation based on conceptions supremacists who harm human dignity. Contempt towards sexual diversity, people with disabilities and poor migrants are examples of a model that detracts from the human condition. However, the powerful try to “naturalize” the order and castrate the human creativity through communication companies and social networks. The industry of the cultural culture of capitalism insists on shaping the collective imagination and imposing its rationality. I know deals with multiple forms of control, various forms of power relations, and varied legitimating mechanisms of an unjust world order.
  8. In Our America, a region plagued by US Southern Command military bases, develops a momentous geopolitical battle. The Bolivarian ideology aroused a wave of changes aimed at the second independence of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean. The White House revamped the Monroe Doctrine to once again threaten to colonize the continent. Navigation channels, Antarctica, Amazon, oil, biodiversity, gas, blue minerals and other natural resources, are the strategic objectives that animate the American planning. It is an orchestrated plan for looting that also affects our cultures. Theft of ancestral knowledge, privatization of peoples’ genetics ancient and collective memoricide.
  9. The update of the Monroe Doctrine is part of a global plan that spans the world. Transnationals, mercenaries and secret services tear Africa apart. Boats Westerners take over Oceania. A gigantic arc of tensions and conflicts runs from the Arctic to the Kamchatka Peninsula, passing through Hindukush and the Himalayas. They try Balkanize Eurasia, exterminate Syria and Palestine, defeat Iran, enslave the Indian Ocean, humiliate Vietnam and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, chain the Philippines, remilitarize Japan. All a planning to impose the American supremacy, without considering the wishes of the majority.
  10. Humanity demands an alternative to the destruction of the planet, human exploitation and the social injustices of the current order. Our America joins that clamor, where they stand out the historic massive mobilizations of the peoples of Chile, Colombia and Brazil. This coupled with return of the Movement to Socialism to the Casa Grande del Pueblo de Bolivia in 2020, as well as to the recent political-electoral triumphs in Chile, Peru and Mexico, all this indicates a new and hopeful situation for the continent. A new world germinates in the resistance of Asia western and in the changes promoted by popular forces and revolutionary governments or progressives of Our America. The exercise of a sovereign foreign policy of the powers emerging countries and their solidarity with other peoples, is a central element in the configuration of the new stage.
  11. The world is moving in new directions. Humanity fights for its different worldviews, cries out for its cultural diversity to converge in a new world order where other worlds become possible but this one is impossible. The liberation of the peoples is subject to the possibility of building a new order characterized by a rainbow of sovereign nations and projects of societies based on justice and solidarity. The current reality demands understand the diversity of struggles in a firm commitment to new models of coexistence human. Emancipation passes through the making of new worlds. The future demands preserve life.
  12. The Bicentennial Congress of the Peoples of the World is inspired by this dream. It’s an effort collective based on life. A bet against the still existing colonialism and consequently, accompanies the struggles of the peoples for their sovereignty. This Congress bases its hope in the historical memory of nations and calls for unity in the face of imperialism. Join our peoples cannot be postponed to face neoliberal globalization. It is essential to transcend solidarity to develop a militant internationalism capable of coordinate the struggles, retake the initiative from an agenda of the peoples and change the correlation of forces in their favor.
  13. Two hundred years after the Battle of Carabobo, we continue the course indicated by El Liberator Simón Bolívar, to fight for the “greatest amount of happiness possible” for our peoples. A more just world where there is no lack of bread, freedom, health and joy, requires today to fight for the self-determination of the peoples and to assume internationalism as an inalienable duty. That world was dreamed by Commander Hugo Chávez and this Congress is willing to do it reality.
  1. In this context, the “Bicentennial Congress of the Peoples of the World” declares:

– We support all initiatives aimed at eliminating patents on vaccines from the COVID-19 and achieve a global vaccination plan in accordance with solidarity, equity and social justice.

– We condemn unilateral coercive measures and other criminal attacks perpetrated against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Iran, Russia, Syria, Palestine, Yemen and other peoples of the world.

– We denounce the proliferation of US military bases in Latin America and the Caribbean as well as its military deployment in the region since this constitutes an attack on peace and self-determination of the peoples.

– We demand that US imperialism cease its aggressions against Venezuela and the return of the patrimony seized by the international financial system to the detriment of the exercise of the human rights of the Venezuelan people.

– We call on the citizens of the world to join forces to fight to preserve life, safeguard peace, defend the sovereignty of the peoples and build new models of human coexistence through the development of an Agenda 2021-2030 of the peoples of the world.

  1. Likewise, the “Bicentennial Congress of the Peoples of the World” agrees:

– Develop a political-ideological training system that articulates the different experiences conceived by the sectors participating in this Congress.

– Articulate the different communication efforts of political parties, social movements and other organizations for the dissemination of content in the International Communication Network Popular.

– Strengthen participation in the training programs of the International University of the Communication.

Approved in the City of Caracas, Cradle of the Liberator Simón Bolívar and Capital of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on June 24, 2021