Travel impressions from China’s Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture. By Özgür Altınbaş, Yining, Kazakh Province / China We are at the foot of the God Mountains. Lavender gardens, small apple trees, large flower fields. The places we set foot on were previously arid lands. In this article, we will cover Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, which the Communist Party of China nurtured ...

Impressions from a visit to China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Most astonishing: The presence of Nasreddin Hodja By Özgür Altınbaş By Özgür Altınbaş, Urumqi, Xinjiang / China Together with M. Ilker Yücel, Editor-in-Chief of Aydınlık newspaper, we visited China from the west to the east between September 1-13. We spent 5 days in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, which we ...

The so-called Uyghur Tribunal, which accuses China of committing ‘genocide’ against the nation’s Islamic minority, convened from June 4 to 7 in London. This so-called tribunal is actually a private company registered in the UK that is supported by business persons and private foundations, its major source of funding coming from anti-China separatist organizations. In our previous article, we highlighted ...

Western countries’ acusstations that China is committing a genocide against Uyghurs and disciminating against Muslims is an imperialist lie. Socialism with Chinese characteristics has created the most sophisticated legal regulation in the world with regard to national minorities and China has the most advanced practices available for dealing with the situation. I have visited the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region many ...

The Uyghur issue is mostly shaped by the perception of China in Turkey and vice versa. This issue was brought forward by the Chinese Embassy’s objection to the statement of the Chairman of the Good Party (İyi Party) Meral Akşener and Mayor of Ankara Mansur Yavaş. 1 – What happened? The discussion started with the social media accounts of İyi ...

China’s westernmost region plays a crucial role in the future unification of Eurasia and creating a “Sino-Islamic” connection. This is why the Americans are so focused on disrupting it. Strategic position The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) is a region that occupies a key position in Eurasia and is of strategic importance to China. It contains 40% of China’s coal ...

Salih Hudayar, the so-called prime minister of the so-called East Turkistan Exile Government, proposes to make Uyghurs “instruments” in the grand strategy of the United States in his graduate assignment at the University of Oklahoma in 2017. Born in 1993 in Kizilsu Kyrgyz Autonomous Province, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, Salih Hudayar fled to the United States in June ...

BY ALİ RIZA TAŞDELEN “It is unacceptable that people belonging to the Uyghur minority are imprisoned in concentration camps,” Jean Yves Le Drian said at the French National Assembly last Tuesday. Le Drian, the French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, parroted the lies of US imperialism as a member of parliament: “Concentration camps for Uyghurs, custody, disappearances, forced labor, ...

China’s relationship to its ethnic minority Uyghur population has been the central issue driving a wedge between China and the Muslim world in recent years. However, the situation is already beginning to change before our eyes – Pakistan, Turkey and many nations throughout the Middle East have suddenly stopped calling the Uyghur education centers in Xinjiang “concentration camps,” while Turkish ...