The strict parameters of the European Union are trapping Italy in a cage with little space for maneuver. It is the only country in the European Union where average wages have fallen over the last 30 years. Since 1990, wages in Italy have stagnated, while in most other advanced countries they have increased significantly. In 2020, due to the impact ...

Egypt, along with the rest of the world, is passing through a ring of fire. The Egyptian economy, which has been on shaky ground for many years, is now openly on the brink of bankruptcy. For the fourth time in the last six years, the Cairo government has had to knock on the door of the IMF. But neither the ...

There is no need to summarize the events of yesterday again. Everyone has watched the assault on the US Congress in Washington DC live on TV.  But the exceptional circumstances of the United States are not limited to this assault.  A specific process is taking place that has not started yesterday and will not end with the Congress building being ...

Venezuela: a convincing victory for Maduro After long expectations, the Venezuelan legislative elections went smoothly. President Nicolas Maduro, whose PSUV’s bloc (the United Socialist Party of Venezuela) received 67.6% of votes, called on the opposition to resume dialogue in the new National Assembly. The Democratic Alliance took 17.95% of the votes, the United Venezuela Alliance obtained 4.19%, the Popular Revolutionary ...

Humanity has reached a critical turning point. Deepening economic crisis, governments desperate in the face of the pandemic, rising popular movements and the military conflicts that we wake up to every day showcase the coming collapse of the established order. Those in charge of this order are finding it more and more difficult to rule. The United States of America ...

Bernard-Henry Levy’s provocative trip to Libya Bernard-Henri Levy, the political philosopher who actively participated in the destruction of Libya in 2011, arrived in Misrata this week. The official purpose of the visit was reporting about mass graves in Tarkhuna left by Haftar’s forces, a story which is supposed to be published in the Wall Street Journal. #Tarhuna. Just after my ...

The Rand Corporation is a “research institution” whose main goal is to protect and strengthen US hegemony. Its reports and interests shed light on US politics and its tools developed for their implementation.  Consumer behaviors and social networks In addition to the work of its own staff, Rand Corporation also systematically monitors some research done outside the institution. For this ...

UWI talked with the famous fighter Jeff Monson who ceased to be a citizen of US, on the perception of ‘American dream’. He also announced the current news about his sport career. ...

To begin with, I must state the projected fact that all major powers, US, China, EU as a whole, and Russia will come out bruised and battered by this Coronavirus, aka COVID-19, and quite possibly its second strain COVID-20 which is forecasted both by our CDC (Center for Disease Control) and well as the WHO (World Health Organization) to unravel ...

China has managed to draw the world’s attention throughout the course of modern history, beginning with Mao Zedong’s “Long March” in 1934. Even in the West, predictions for a future that exclude China’s leadership are increasingly scarce, as China’s economic, social and political rise has had a tremendous impact on the masses, particularly in light of the coronavirus pandemic, something ...