By analyzing China’s experience in poverty reduction, we can find solutions to the same questions in our own country as well as those affecting humanity at large. This article looks at China from the viewpoint of Turkey and our efforts to achieve success in our ‘Second War of Independence’. Since cooperation between Turkey and China is to the benefit of ...

The military progression of the Turkish-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) representatives was positively welcomed in Ankara. TURKEY IS DETERMINED IN LIBYA Turkey’s Vice President Fuat Oktay, during an online meeting of the Atlantic Council and Turkish Heritage Organization, evaluated the situation in Libya with the following words: “Turkey is standing for legitimacy.” Oktay said that Turkey will make sure ...

In Turkey, the number of patients recovered from the coronavirus climbed to 121,507 over the past 24 hours, while only 948 new cases were reported in the country bringing the total to 158,762. On top of that, there were 28 new fatalities reported according to the health ministry data, bringing the total death toll to 4,397. There are still 739 ...

Turkey and Egypt have significant importance not only in the region, but also in the world, with state traditions going back thousands of years. Relations between these two countries have been tense after the overthrow of Mohammad Morsi in 2013. The Turkish government’s insistent support for the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s anti-Turkish actions with the Greek-Southern Cypriot axis in the Eastern ...

Recently, the S-400 Air Defense Systems Turkey ordered from Russia have become a hot topic of discussion once again. Allegations of postponement or even a total cancellation of the activation of these S-400s have been put up on the agenda, potentially in response to the serious crisis the purchase caused between the United States and Turkey. Some publications have claimed ...

NATO’s support for the GNA On May 16, the Prime-Minister of the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) Fayez Al-Sarraj held a telephone conversation with the general secretary of NATO Jens Stoltenberg. Nato’s support for the GNA brings a new actor to the Libyan conflict. It’s worth noting that this is a rare expression of support for the government in ...

The article titled “Proposals for normalization in Turkish-Egyptian relations” by our columnist Mohamed Sabreen, Managing Editor for Al-Ahram Newspaper, has drawn quite a lot of attention within Turkish political circles. The possibility of a rehabilitation of Ankara and Cairo relations, which have been trending downwards since the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi in 2013, have been widely discussed. Aydinlik, one of ...

The Middle East and North Africa are regions of the world where armed conflicts have continued for the past 20 years. The human tragedies associated with the US war on terror, the rise of Islamic extremism and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were all reflected in mass culture. Moreover, the bloody recent history of the region – the Arab-Israeli ...

The question is no longer whether, but when “detente” will occur between Egypt and Turkey. Over the past few years, Turkey and Egypt have been at loggerheads. Just over seven years ago, in November 2013, Egypt expelled the Turkish ambassador, leaving the two countries with representation at the level of Chargé d’affaires. Since then, there has been a fierce war ...

At the end of February, the world was discussing the restrictive measures that had to be taken against the Coronavirus pandemic. Now, just 3 months after, people are beginning to criticize these measures and demand the end of the restrictions. This situation reminded me of a tweet by George Friedman, the founder of Stratfor (A think tank associated with the ...