Israeli media came up with a shocking story at the beginning of May. They had obtained details of Donald Trump’s notorious deal of the century that pertains to settling one of the most dragged-out conflicts in the Middle East. Israel Hayom newspaper that has close links to the office of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu wrote it had received the details ...

Despite that humanity already finds itself under threat from broad existential problems like global climate change and its resulting natural disasters, human beings are nonetheless further complicating matters by violently fighting amongst themselves. Recent years have seen a growing trend of left-wing and right-wing radicals, of both religious and atheistic persuasions, beginning to take up arms. Unfortunately, intelligence data from ...

On Thursday, Special Attorney Robert Mueller’s report on alleged “Russian interference” in the 2016 US elections was finally published, albeit partially censored. The report contains information on an investigation into the Donald Trump campaign’s alleged connection with Russian authorities, as well as the possible methods of Russian influence in the elections. The document was submitted to the legal committees of ...

Since he was elected president of the United States in 2016, Donald Trump has created endless problems on the international scene. Does being a world superpower mean trampling the rest of the world? In Trump’s case, this certainly seems to be the case. President Trump, Mr. Turmoil himself, has continuously caused issues both at home and abroad. One gets the ...

In a recent interview, US President Donald Trump, calling his supporters “tough guys,” threatened the opposition Democrats saying: “Do not tempt fate, if they take the streets, the consequences can be very, very serious”. Does Trump’s hostile language surprise us? Of course not, he is by now well known for issuing threats. During his election campaign, did he not threaten ...

Donald Trump said via Twitter that it was time for the USA to «fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and regional stability». Between the 5th and 10th of June 1967, during a war called the Six-Day War, Israel occupied 1200 Square kilometers of the western ...

Pakistan-India conflict THe Pakistani and Indian armies began using heavy weapons against each other on the border in Kashmir. After an intense exchange of fire that lasted more than 3 hours, India reported that it had had not suffered losses. Tensions between the two states escalated after a police convoy was attacked on February 14 in the Kashmir-controlled area of ...

Donald Trump recently made a mockery of his country’s most intellectual organizations – the national intelligence agencies. He accused the intelligence community of naïveté and inaction. Trump’s outburst was triggered by Iran that he hates so much. He didn’t like the things he had heard in a report by the Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, at the hearings of ...

            It’s the biggest showdown of Donald Trump’s presidency yet. The Democratic Party leadership are clashing swords with Trump’s administration over the controversial border wall. The struggle has already resulted in the longest and most devastating government shutdown in U.S. history. Democrats have shut down our government in the interests of their far left base. They don’t want to do ...

It was a surprise decision that shook the Neoliberal establishment in Washington to its core. U.S. President Donald Trump declared Daesh defeated and the mission in Syria – accomplished. It was time to bring the troops home. Of course there were war-hawks who were looking for a little more – i.e. regime change. These forces nearly got their way with ...