Süleyman Özmen, Head of International Affairs Department (Rumeli University in Istanbul) and member of the Turkish Armed Forces, stressed in an interview with uwidata.com that events in the region are precursors to a major war. He notes that”the main goal is to ignite a large-scale ethnic and religious clash.” According to Özmen, one operation will not be enough to destroy terrorism ...

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Chairman of the People’s Republican Party (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi – CHP), began his speech at parliamentary faction session by mentioning the recent CHP international conference on Syria which was held in Istanbul. Kılıçdaroğlu stressed that the Middle East is engulfed in conflict, with military operations being conducted in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. WE HAVE DONE WHAT THE AUTHORITIES ...

Safe zone in Syria On Sunday, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan accused the United States of attempting to use the creation of a security zone in northeastern Syria, not for Ankara’s sake, but in order to protect the Washington-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDS) operating in the area. Turkey sees the SDS and the Kurdish units of the People’s Self-Defense Force as ...

The establishment of safe zones in war-torn countries is supposed to entail a reduction in violence. However, in the present situation in Syria, US involvement in the establishment of a safe zone will lead to the direct military entrenchment of Washington, Turkey, Russia, and Syria, and will only cause the situation to deteriorate further. WHY A SAFE ZONE? Turkey has ...

The U.S. and Iran are locked in a tough confrontation for forty years. They do not have direct diplomatic relations and are engaged in a major ideological war, playing an important role on the geopolitical map of the world at the same time. Nonetheless, although Tehran and Washington have turned into two hostile camps over years of the stand-off, they ...

Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential elections has had dire implications for the American “Greater Middle East” project which has guided US foreign policy in the Middle East since it was first put forward in 2003. Trump’s reorientation toward internal US problems (migration, economy, protectionism), the emergence of new geopolitical rivals (China and Iran) and the turning point being ...

Turkey and the United States seem to have finally reached some level of agreement regarding the creation of a security zone in Syria, an issue which had long strained the already tense relations between the two countries. Nonetheless, the decision likely doesn’t mean the end of the conflict over the issue. Following three days of talks which began on August ...

Late last year, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced his intention to conduct military operations in the territories east of the Euphrates River. However, a week after that, the Turkish leader said he had postponed the operation, saying: “The statements of the American side have led us to think about the need to postpone the operation for some time.” However, while ...

US President Donald Trump threatened to release the Daesh militants if the European Union refused to take them.  “We have thousands of ISIS fighters that we want Europe to take and let’s see if they take them. And if they don’t take them, we’ll probably have to release them to Europe,” Mr. Trump said on the White House lawn on ...

Donald Trump said via Twitter that it was time for the USA to «fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and regional stability». Between the 5th and 10th of June 1967, during a war called the Six-Day War, Israel occupied 1200 Square kilometers of the western ...