By Ismet Özçelik The results of the March 31 local elections have shaken things up within the Justice and Development Party (AKP). President Erdoğan’s criticism of the party’s senior levels during the Central Executive Board meeting, and the subsequent leaks to the press, are almost unprecedented. Here, Erdoğan is clearly addressing the grassroots of the Party. Following the defeat in ...

Since the US-backed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government has shifted its focus towards Eastern countries. In this period, cooperation in energy, economic, political, and even military fields has been developed with countries in the region, primarily Russia and Iran. However, the AKP government has failed to develop an economic model alternative US-centered ...

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan agreed to submit Sweden’s NATO membership to the approval of the Turkish Grand National Assembly during the trilateral summit in Vilnius. The joint statement after the summit on the evening of July 10 involves “Sweden’s steps to address Türkiye’s concerns” like intensifying the fight against the terrorist organization PKK and even making amendments in related laws. ...

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s statement “Ukraine undoubtedly deserves NATO membership” after hosting his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelenski in Istanbul is being discussed in the world public. In the context of Türkiye’s relations with Russia and the Western camp, everyone attributes a different meaning to Erdoğan’s statements: “Rapprochement with the West”, “break with Russia”, “balance policy”, etc.. Based on concrete facts, ...

Türkiye’s foreign policy between East and West is one of the most debated and questioned issues worldwide. On that matter, we interviewed Prof. Nurşin Ateşoğlu Güney. Prof. Güney is Member of the Turkish Presidential Security and Foreign Policy Council. The Council was established in 2018 with Executive Order No1, following the introduction of the presidential system in Türkiye. The President ...

United World International author Mehmet Perinçek commented on Türkiye’s new cabinet of ministers on the telegram channel “Turansky Express”. and We present his comments, published in Russian, to our readers translated into English. Political scientist Mehmet Perinçek (Türkiye) exclusive for “Turansky Express”: On the one hand, Türkiye is cooperating with Russia against the American plans in Syria in the Astana ...

Erdoğan has been reelected as President.   The opposition of a fragmented structure, imitating the AKP of 2002 and seeking to come to power by embracing the “wind” of the West, suffered defeat and fell into great turmoil.   The country continues to grapple with a severe economic and social crisis. Rising prices, declining purchasing power and housing problem are ...

The coalition that supported President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was victorious in the presidential elections in Türkiye (Turkey) held on Sunday, May 28. Although Erdoğan’s victory in this second round was expected, the broad support his coalition received in the parliamentary elections that accompanied the first round on May 14 came as a surprise. The presidential system established in the country’s ...

United World International author Onur Sinan Güzaltan was guest to a Russia Today program. He responded to questions on the developments in Türkiye after the elections. Below we present the transcript of the interview. RT: Well, I’m delighted to be joined in the studio now by Turkish political scientists Onur Sinan Güzaltan. You are most welcome. A busy few days in ...

Last week, the Turkish public agenda has been moved by only a single topic. The Russian military intervention in Ukraine was debated heavily in the Turkish public, both countries being neighbors and strategic partners of Turkey. Many politicians, diplomats and party leaders have made statements regarding their political evaluation, the stance that Turkey should take, the results of this war ...