By Ali Rıza Taşdelen After the expected defeat in the European Parliament elections, President Emmanuel Macron decided to dissolve the National Assembly and call for early elections. The first round of general elections will take place on June 30 and a week later comes the second. Currently, three election fronts have emerged: the Nationalists, the Social Democrats, and Macron’s weakened ...

Türkiye left behind a long but calm election night. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the candidate of the People’s Alliance, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the candidate of the Nation Alliance, and Sinan Oğan, the candidate of the Ata Alliance, competed against each other. Official results are expected on May 19. According to unofficial numbers, President Erdoğan received 49.50% of the votes while Kılıçdaroğlu 44.89% ...

Three issues stood out last week on Türkiye’s electoral agenda: The PKK terrorist organization’s statement on the elections; new negotiations within the electoral alliances and Erdoğan’s economic measures towards the elections. PKK calls to overthrow Erdoğan The PKK, responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people with terrorist acts in Türkiye since the early 1980s, has announced its decision ...

Türkiye’s electoral agenda continued to advance at full speed last week. Last week saw three important developments. The campaign for 100,000 signatures of candidates from parties without parliamentary seats to run for the presidency concluded yesterday and the presidential candidates for the May 14 elections were formalized. New parties have joined the AKP-led People’s Alliance. Doğu Perinçek, the leader of ...

Türkiye’s electoral agenda continued to advance at full speed last week. AKP and CHP officials’ meetings with US counterparts and their statements on Türkiye-US relations became the top topic. Another issue was the AKP’s negotiations with the radical religious party HÜDAPAR on whether this party would join the People’s Alliance. The talks between the Nation Alliance and the HDP, known ...

The common opinion across the political spectrum is that on May 14 2023, Türkiye will hold the most important election in the history of the 100-year Republic. This is the prevailing opinion in the world too. In a country of 85 million inhabitants, although the exact number has not yet been announced, more than 60 million voters (64 million according ...

United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan evaluated the presidential elections held in France to China Radio International (CRI). We share Güzaltan’s evaluations on the issue as published on China Radio International’s web site. France is heading towards a double-headed administration Describing Macron’s re-election as President with 58.5% of the votes as a “pyrrhic victory”, Guzaltan stated that the political ...

By Bassem Hamdy, freelance journalist, Sfax, Tunisia “We have passed a stage in history and entered into something different from its predecessors, bearing not only the hopes of our people but the hopes of all humanity. The fate of all humanity will change in the coming decades. There are those who consider politics as a craft. Politics is an idea ...

The snap parliamentary elections in Moldova, which were held in 11 July, resulted in the victory of pro-Western forces. The Action and Solidarity Party, founded by the President of Moldova Maia Sandu, got 52.8% of the votes. Such a great success even exceeded the expectations of the members of that party. As a consequence of the process, which has been ...

BACKGROUND Iranian officials have announced the preliminary parliamentary election results, which showed major gains for conservative forces. The Islamic Consultative Assembly (also known as the Majles) is Iran’s unicameral parliament, consisting of 290 deputies. All representatives of Iranian Parliament are elected by a direct secret ballot every four years. According to Iranian electoral law, any Iranian citizen between the ages ...