By Metin Akgerman George Galloway. A veteran British politician. An Anti-imperialist, anti-Monarchist, anti-establishment, anti-Zionist, pro-Republican, pro-Palestinian figure. He is not the new kid in the town. He had spent many decades in the political struggle, often on the Labour Party’s side, and he is still very sharp. And this time, he is also winning. There was a by-election in Rochdale ...

UWI author Onur Sinan Güzaltan was the guest of Russia Today. Güzaltan evaluated the results of the first round of elections in Turkey and its possible reflections on foreign policy. Below we present the transcription of the interview. Turkish political scientist Onur Sinan Güzaltan. Welcome Onur. Nice to see you are joining us here in the studio. It looks like ...

On March 15, the Mexican Chamber of Deputies commemorated the 139th anniversary of the passing away of Karl Marx. The lower chamber of the bicameral parliament of Mexico dedicated a distinct agenda item, with all represented parties’ holding speeches about the German philosopher considered main thinker of communism. During the speeches, both sides of the of the parliament’s speaker stand ...