Apparently, Arab Gulf states have come to the conclusion that their main alliance with the United States no longer serves their economic and security interests. The Arab stance in general, and the Gulf in particular, regarding the condemnation of the Russian war on Ukraine was indecisive. It did not appear in statements issued by the Gulf capitals only, but was ...

By Vitaly Naumkin Scientific Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Oriental Sciences The main purpose of US President Joe Biden’s first visit to West Asia was his final destination, Saudi Arabia. After completing two visits, to Israel and the West Bank, he arrived in Saudi Arabia. Although the visit was a step towards a return to ...

By Cansu Yigit The US is getting prepared to enter more forecfully into the equation in Libya, while the power struggle between Dbeibeh and Bashagha continues. Oil is the first leg of the new plan of the USA, in which Bashagha voluntarily inquires a role. In this situation the Government of National Unity (GNU) and the House of Representatives (HR) ...