
North Korea

International Youth Statement for the New World after COVID-19

International Youth Statement for the New World after COVID-19

A multipolar world in which hegemony is condemned. A civilization based on the values of public good, solidarity and mutual aid
Monthly Review June 2020

Monthly Review June 2020

Geopolitical events of June
Why did North Korea blow up its joint liaisons office with the South?

Why did North Korea blow up its joint liaisons office with the South?

Donald Trump's mistakes, South Korea's unpreparedness for compromises and the “Iron lady” of the North
How did East Asian countries beat COVID-19?

How did East Asian countries beat COVID-19?

Europe and the US have become the main centers of the pandemic on a global scale, as China and its neighbors were able to significantly decrease the spread of the virus
Washington and Tehran turn to hidden diplomacy

Washington and Tehran turn to hidden diplomacy

After Donald Trump took office, Obama and Rouhani's previous diplomatic efforts and rapprochement were apparently ignored, and the two countries cut off their relations, seemingly reluctant to improve the situation... but perhaps there is more to the situation than meets the eye. Frequent tweets betw