Part 1 and Part 2. In Greece, pensioners are dying more quickly, the life expectancy and the general health of the population is declining. For the first time since the end of the Civil War (1949), people are thinking twice before having children, young, educated Greeks emigrate, thus depriving the country of the necessary human capital. Greeks are paying to ...

Part 1 – How international finance and Germany destroyed Greece to create a totalitarian EU A colossal failure If we judge the Greek program not on the basis of our own criteria, but on the basis of the goals it set itself and of its predictions, we can safely say it was a gigantic failure, by far the biggest in the ...

Note: the data in the following article takes into account the state of Greek economy and society before the recent corona-crisis. According to the IMF, Greece will suffer a greater depression than all other EU members because of the pandemic, but nothing is certain for the time being. In any case, the economic and social results of the crisis will ...

When Greece was founded in 1830 at the end of an uprising against the Ottoman Empire, a King Otto, a German noble, was put on the throne. Three years before this, the Ottoman-Egyptian joint naval squadron anchored off Pylos/Navarino had been attacked and burned by the British, French and Russian joint fleet as a consequence of which the Ottoman naval ...

In my previous article I explained how the “bail-out” program imposed on Greece was actually a program to introduce a totalitarian, anti-democratic and anti-human order in Europe. The Greek program was a rehearsal for the all-out offensive of “Market Totalitarianism” against democracy and social welfare state in all Europe, just as the Spanish Civil War (1936 – 39) was a ...

In a previous article we argued that the Greek “bailout” program, the Loan Agreements and the “memorandum of understanding” imposed on Greece were a crime against the Greek people, a crime which paved the way for similar crimes against other European nations, against both their social and their democratic rights.  We have sufficient evidence for all this as is, but ...

Putin and Erdogan meet On March 5, an important meeting between President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and Russian President Vladimir Putin was held in Moscow. The main results were decisions on counteracting to terrorism, the terms of a ceasefire, the creation of security corridor and joint patrolling efforts. Erdogan and Putin’s talks on Idlib: a brief analysis The high-level ...

There has not been a week in the recent months without reports, statements, decisions or condemnations against Turkey’s Mediterranean policies, from the United States, the EU and the Arab world. A large portion of the work at the Foreign Ministry, especially for the Spokesman, is rushed through the answers to these baseless, untheorized, unreasoned and unfair explanations. Next, in the ...

Turkish Cypriot Foreign Minister Ozersay: “The US move is against Russia!” The Turkish Cypriot Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kudret Ozersay striking assessments for Haberturk, regarding the action of the U.S. Congress to lift the arms embargo against the Greek part and to send troops to the Island, “This move is made to reduce the Russian influence in the ...

On February 26, the UN Secretary-General’s special envoy for Cyprus, Elizabeth Spehar, will chair an informal meeting between the leaders of Cyprus’s Greek and Turkish communities, Nicos Anastasiades and Mustafa Akinci. It is not clear, however, what questions will be discussed and whether the event will mean a de facto resumption of negotiations on settling the Cyprus crisis. Let’s recall ...