By Yiğit Saner Washington recently gave the green light to the sale of 40 F-35 fighter jets, a total of $8.6 billion worth, to Athens. According to the Greek news outlet Kathimerini, in addition to the aircraft sale, the US will also provide $200 million Foreign Military Financing assistance to Greece. The Greek newspaper further reported that, in exchange for ...

By Tevfik Kadan The US House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which involves a decision to establish new bases on the Aegean islands. The bill, which encompasses the budget for the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) for the fiscal year 2024 and sets defense spending policies, was passed in the House of Representatives last month. The $886 billion bill includes a ...

The Greek authorities announced this week the arrest of two Pakistani migrant land workers in Greece who were accused of planning a terrorist attack against a Jewish restaurant in central Athens, a restaurant which is serving also as a synagogue (sic). The supposed terrorists were receiving orders from a compatriot of them leaving in Iran, who, in his turn, received ...

The railway tragedy in central Greece, where a still unknown number of mostly young people (probably more than 100) have perished, is an incomprehensible accident. In 2023, it is simply inconceivable that two trains will move on the same track and in opposite directions without anyone in the system – machine or human – watching them and averting the collision. Recently ...

The pace of regional and global developments accelerated dramatically and it will gradually become impossible to prevent seemingly unrelated cases from interacting with each other. While no one thought before that Greece would become an effective actor in the Middle East game, in recent weeks the country has suddenly become one of the main figures in politics of world imperialist order. This behavior ...

The political history Greece all the way up to the coup d’état in 1973, is simply the history of a constant struggle between the monarchists and their opposers. The energy that came out of this clash has many times led to some very serious polarizations and prepared the suitable conditions for a civil war environment. But let us also add ...

There are not many people in the world who doubt that Israeli secret services are responsible for the assassination of the prominent Iranian physicist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the “father” of the Iranian nuclear program. Without openly admitting it, the Israelis did nothing to amuse such impressions, instead they “anonymously” admitted their responsibility to the New York Times. The assassination of the ...

Ataturk gave the following speech after İsmet İnönü had visited Athens and met Greek Prime Minister Metaxas in 1937 under the auspices’ of the Balkan Pact: “The borders of the Balkan allies are indivisible within the Balkans. Those who lay their eyes on these unified borders will be scorched by the sun’s blazing rays. I would recommend this to be ...

The Turkish Defense Ministry announced that the United Nations (UN) has registered a memorandum between Turkey and Libya on the demarcation of maritime borders. “The agreement determining maritime jurisdiction areas between Turkey and Libya was registered by the UN. Our multi-faceted relationship with Libya based on a common history of 500 years and our training, assistance and consultancy support to ...

I learned of the Map of Seville from Professor Dr. Sertaç Hami Başeren, a faculty member at AU Political Sciences University and Advisor to the General Staff Maritime Law, in 2003. At that time, the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (GCASC) had not yet declared an EEZ around the island. I was serving as the Head of the Strategy ...