Since February 19, when Iran’s Ministry of Health reported the first case of infection with a new coronavirus in the country, the number of infected in the Islamic Republic has reached 24,811, while 1,934  have died and 8,913 patients have recovered. New cases of infection in Iran are detected every day, and the mortality rate has already exceeded 7%. According ...

Iran declares ‘Islamic Jihad’ against a new enemy – coronavirus. BACKGROUND At the end of December 2019, China reported an outbreak of pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus in Wuhan (Hubei Province). The World Health Organization (WHO) recognized it as an epidemic following a number outbreaks and declared an emergency of international proportions. At first, the disease was called 2019-nCoV; ...

The Middle East is one of the hottest spots on the World map, where the globalists actively pursue war to establish their empire. The Middle East is one of the most important energy resources regions, playing a defining role in the global economy. The extension of political influence and control over the most important economic resources in Middle Eastern countries ...

The Libyan oil and gas sector are the main arteries of the country’s economy and one of its only sources of income. However, military forces recently closed most of the major Libyan ports. It seems that Khalifa Haftar and his forces are trying to win concessions from the constitutional government and the international community by stopping Libyan oil exports. The ...

The Palestinian people have long been attempting to reveal the true face of Israel in international assemblies, and recently, it seems they may have finally succeeded in doing so. The International Criminal Court will soon file a suit to investigate Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity. This is a great victory for those who have been censored by Israel ...

The Kurds have been playing a vital role in the geopolitical situation in the Middle East. However, nationalization and the establishment of a new state remains an unrealized goal for many Kurds who have been engaged in the fight for these things for years. Having played an effective role in the fight against ISIS, the Kurds have begun a renewed ...

Iranian Authorities (of the Government, Judiciary branch and Parliament) knew well that their decision to triple the price of gasoline was going to lead to strong civil dissatisfaction, and that people would likely take to the streets to express their opposition to the measure. It is worth mentioning that the Iranian government’s decision only affected the type of gas which ...

It is something of an open secret that despite the US attempting to dominate Iraq with an all out invasion, it has been Iran and its allies who have been able to benefit from the aftermath of Washington’s attack. The Americans are naturally less than happy with this outcome, and have done their best ever since to curtail Iranian influence ...

A source close to a U.S. NGO has handed to the UWI a secret plan devised by the U.S. globalists for triggering a spate of tensions among Iran, Turkey, Russia, and Armenia. Certain globalist quarters in the U.S. find the success of consultations and decisions on developments in Syria taken in the format of the Astana troika (Russia, Turkey and ...

The establishment of safe zones in war-torn countries is supposed to entail a reduction in violence. However, in the present situation in Syria, US involvement in the establishment of a safe zone will lead to the direct military entrenchment of Washington, Turkey, Russia, and Syria, and will only cause the situation to deteriorate further. WHY A SAFE ZONE? Turkey has ...