On  May 7 2020, Aydınlık revealed the details of French support and relations between the French Army and the Libyan National Army based on regional sources, showing them to be in violation of international law in Libya. At that time, about 60 French Armed Forces personnel provided training and intelligence support for Haftar.  With the escalation of tensions between Turkey ...

Turkish and French troops fought in World War I on different fronts. French warships were among the first comers during the Istanbul invasion with 55 allied warships on November 13, 1918, after the Mudros Ceasefire of October 30, 1918. Although they invaded some parts of Anatolia with Armenian manpower support, they were defeated at the end by Kemalists and signed ...

Turkey and France are opposing each other on many fronts, what might the results of such a class between such major powers mean for them and the rest of the world? Pursuing opposed policies in Syria, French support for the separatist terrorist organizations (especially the PKK) and the never-ending French opposition for Ankara’s EU membership, are some of the issues ...

Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan agree to resume GERD negotiations On June 26, the African Union organized a “mini-summit” with leaders from Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan, South Africa, Kenya, DR Congo and Mali. As a result of negotiations on GERD – Ethiopia’s Blue Nile HPP – Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan decided to form a legal and technical committee to work out ...

After the Turkish-French incident off the Libyan coast, French President Emmanuelle Macron called the event further proof of “brain death” of NATO. He claims that Turkey’s line is incompatible with its status as a NATO country, accusing Ankara of a “dangerous game” in the region. “I believe today that Turkey is playing a dangerous game in Libya and is contravening ...

China-EU-USA: an attempt to reach an agreement Over the past week, Chinese and European diplomats have agreed on a joint video conference to cool tensions. After a string of accusations and scandals about the Coronavirus, this will be the first attempt at constructive negotiations. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and Charles Michel, President of the European ...

In recent days, Mali has been engulfed by a series of dangerous interconnected events – a violent confrontation with an al-Qaeda cell, ethnic conflicts, as well as protests demanding the resignation of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, fuelled by rising anti-French sentiment. Sahel chaos: How terrorists are taking power in Mali, Niger and the region as a whole Keïta is taking ...

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has now spread to all European countries – on Tuesday Montenegro confirmed its first cases. The Montenegrin government announced that two women who were traveling abroad were infected with the virus. The latest data The World Health Organization has declared Europe the new epicenter of the outbreak which began in Wuhan China last December. As of March ...

Following Brexit, France wants to proclaim itself the new pan-European nuclear guarantor. During a speech at L’École de guerre in Paris, Macron announced that he had ambitious plans to put French nuclear weapons at the heart of EU defense policy. By declaring the French doctrine of nuclear deterrence in the current geopolitical environment, Macron clearly outlined the boundaries of what ...

The 33rd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The main topic of the event was “Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development.” Despite that security is the main theme of the summit, precious little has been done to stabilize the situation on ...