By Prof. Dr. Fernando Esteche When the social movements built the political tool MAS-IPSP (Movement towards Socialism – Political Instrument of the Sovereignty of the People), it was clear that political sovereignty fell to a conglomerate of movements or organizations that had their own logic for constructing representation. Without fear of being adventurous, we can say that in Bolivia, like ...

By Ana Laura Dagorret* The Movement Towards Socialism in Bolivia (MAS) is going through its final crisis. The rupture has left two well defined sides: On one side, the current president Luis Arce leads the “renovation” of the party. The other side’s leader is the former president and founder of MAS, Evo Morales, who is in an irreconcilable crusade with ...

The international media has been abuzz with stories of Evo Morales stepping down as president of Bolivia. Many have suggested that his ouster was the result of a “Coup d’etat”, while different international media has avoided using the term. Agradezco a nombre de mi pueblo las muestras espontáneas de apoyo a nuestro gobierno democrático que fue derrocado por el golpe cívico-político-policial que ...