On December 17, 2010, Tunisia witnessed huge demonstrations against the rule of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali following an incident where a vegetable seller burned himself after his goods were confiscated by the police. The massive and continuous demonstrations succeeded in toppling the authoritarian regime led by Ben Ali within less than a month of the incident. Many countries ...

The political crisis in Tunisia, which erupted after President Kais Saied has dismissed the coalition government that included Ennahda, a party inspired by the Muslim Brotherhood, does not only consist of the local dilemmas of Tunisia but also contains ideological, class-based and geopolitical polarizations in the wider regional context. The fracture points of Tunisia We can talk about two different ...

The Ennahda party said it would reconsider its position against the coalition government of Tunisia over the alleged corruption scandal involving Prime Minister Elyes Fakhfakh. They have not made public details of what the party will do, but sources close to it have commented in the media that the party could suspend seven of its ministers, which would in fact ...