The Covid-19 pandemic has proven not only to be an earthquake cracking open political fault lines around the world, it has turned out to be nothing short of a revolution, the aftershocks of which will change the world in nearly every aspect. Given the severity of the changes within such a short period of time, it would be fair to ...

Many states are desperate in the face of the coronavirus pandemic: governments are panicking and the economy has already collapsed. This crisis is expected to deepen, all of which assures that humanity will likely be seeking a new path. Everyone seems to be asking: “What has the pandemic changed/ will change socially and politically?” a particularly pertinent question for those ...

The coronavirus pandemic has more-or-less monopolized cultural imagination in the West, sparking deep reevaluations of our founding myths and values. Even celebrity worship, one of the West’s most cherished institutions, has become a site of bitter resentment, from the public’s passionate disinterest in tone-deaf movie stars pandemic-inspired rendition of John Lennon’s “Imagine” to their rage over the preference the rich ...

So far, the coronavirus has affected Eurasia far less than Asia, Western Europe and the United States. Yet, countries across the continent have introduced emergency regimes or increased security measures to fight the spread of Covid-19. There are several possible explanations as to why the region has not been affected by a massive pandemic, although each country has its own ...

Coronavirus: the end of the EU The coronavirus epidemic has hit Europe harder than any other region in the world. If we put the statistics from all EU countries together, the region in the world has the highest number of cases, with the worst situation being in Italy. However, no serious coordination of the fight against coronavirus within the EU ...

Global leadership and hegemony changes hands just about every 100-150 years. When that change takes place, the backbone of the global system shifts as well. Important milestones such as the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648 and the French Revolution are examples of such changes in the 17th and 18th centuries. In the 19th century, Great Britain emerged as the dominant ...

At the moment, according to the WHO, the United States has over 160,698 infected, and over 3,000 have already died. New York, New Jersey and Connecticut have become the center of the epidemic outbreak in the United States. More than 52 000 cases and at least 728 deaths were reported in New York; more than 11 000 cases and 140 ...

A globally influential topic, the Coronavirus outbreak has become a matter of existence for states in the international arena and in terms of responsibilities of its citizens. There are reports from around the world, particularly in Europe, about collapsed healthcare systems, people fighting over, and soldiers patrolling the streets to maintain the order. While the outbreak has wiped off the ...

The coronavirus is destroying the old world This week, the number of coronavirus cases worldwide increased dramatically to over 600,000. The number of deaths from the Covid-19 new exceeds 30,000. Italy remains the center of the epidemic, although the US leads the world in terms of the number infected. There are now over 5,000 confirmed cases in Africa and over ...

The number of coronavirus cases in Latin America on Friday exceeded 11,000 – and that’s only according to official estimates. The region’s richest, yet most internationally and globally oriented country, Brazil, was the epicenter of the pandemic with nearly 4256 cases and 77 deaths. It was there, in São Paulo, that the first confirmed case of Covid-19 was diagnosed. Many ...