By Ljubodrag Simonovic * The philosophy of play does not come to the essence of play departing from music and dance, but from sport and war. It is no accident. Blacking’s view that music is the „humanly organized sound“ indicates that man is not by his nature a „beast“, but a humane being, and that man’s need for another man, ...

By Ljubodrag Simonovic *                 Art is the most authentic manifestation of the cultural heritage of mankind and the basis of humanistic civilization. Sport is the manifestation of a „technical civilization“ and as such deals with humanistic civilization, which means that it is a means for creating a civilization without culture. Unlike philosophy, science and art, sport does not offer ...

Exactly 37 years ago, one of my articles named “The Meaning of the Olympic Ideals, or an Aestheticized Meaninglessness” was published in the only youth magazine published in Turkey at the time, called Yeni Olgu (The New Phenomenon). In fact, it was rather a ‘fancy’ article written with all the excitement of my youth, and the introduction part also included ...